Big Brew Day 2007 - Hills Brewers Guild

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This time next week we should be right into the swing of things :beerbang: Here's the Dopplebock I'm making, single infusion and only 90 minute boil instead of 120. Double batch as well. We should have 7 brewing on the day at my place, and as many again coming along for what should be a great day of brewing and beer.



07-21 Hailbrau Doppelbock

A ProMash Recipe Report

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (L): 40.00 Wort Size (L): 40.00
Total Grain (kg): 12.75
Anticipated OG: 1.076 Plato: 18.32
Anticipated SRM: 14.1
Anticipated IBU: 29.3
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75 %
Wort Boil Time: 90 Minutes


% Amount Name Origin Potential SRM
74.5 9.50 kg. JWM Light Munich Australia 1.038 10
21.2 2.70 kg. Weyermann Pilsner Germany 1.038 2
3.9 0.50 kg. Weyermann Carahell Germany 1.035 13
0.4 0.05 kg. JWM Chocolate Malt Australia 1.032 381

Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.


Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
13.00 g. Hallertauer Mittelfruh Plug 4.10 4.0 90 min.
52.00 g. Hallertauer Mittelfruh Plug 4.10 14.4 60 min.
52.00 g. Hallertauer Mittelfruh Plug 4.10 11.0 40 min.


White Labs WLP833 German Bock Lager
Can't wait for this!! My first brew day :D . Can't wait to smell all those lovely aroma's and drink some great beers.
Bring on the 5th :beer:
Hope you can organise some good weather, although today seems perfect for enjoying dark beers.
I have decided on a Flekovacy. I didnt realise that there were set recipes as part of the American HB thing, but then I have my own views on that sort of thing which is why I will brew what I want.

The recipe calls for JW Pils, JW Dark Munich, some Wheat Malt, and Carafa Spec 3. Hopping will probably be Super Alpha & a good dose of Czech Saaz.

It will be good to catch up with everybody, as I have missed the pizza nights, I don't think I have even met Eric yet!
Looks good Duff,
at this stage i still have to sit on the fence... looks like we will still be house hunting next weekend... it is taking up all my time at the moment and i'm &%$@*& over it. So to be fair i'll have to say, keep me off the catering list and we'll see what happens closer to the day.

Geez KoNG, you and *nod nod wink wink* were to be my special guest's for the day. The other half of the FaB brewers guild is still under that assumption :p Anyway, camping, house hunting, that's cool....

Gerard, long term forecast calls for sunny and around 23C. Great weather to see you in action :beerbang:

Gerard dropped off the grain I was missing for the brew this arvo so I'm all set to go.
Hope the day is a bit more brew friendly over the downpours we have had today.

Geez KoNG, you and *nod nod wink wink* were to be my special guest's for the day. The other half of the FaB brewers guild is still under that assumption :p Anyway, camping, house hunting, that's cool....

Gerard, long term forecast calls for sunny and around 23C. Great weather to see you in action :beerbang:


:lol: were we to wait around the corner till we got *the call*
Dont get me wrong, i'm workin on it.
If i do get the chance to make it, maybe i/we could do some roasting..?!?!
I'm doing the same Duff... only I have changed the grain bill a bit... mainly to make use of what I have in stock... Hoping the Caramunich II will give off something like the effects of a longer boil?

Will put my 25L Mash tun to the test... That is for sure!

BIG BREW DAY DAY Hailbrau Doppelbock

A ProMash Brewing Session - Recipe Details Report

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (L): 22.00 Wort Size (L): 22.00
Total Grain (kg): 7.30
Anticipated OG: 1.079 Plato: 19.05
Anticipated EBC: 28.1
Anticipated IBU: 28.9
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75 %
Wort Boil Time: 120 Minutes


% Amount Name Origin Potential EBC
35.6 2.60 kg. JWM Light Munich Australia 1.038 20
35.6 2.60 kg. JWM Dark Munich Australia 1.039 25
21.9 1.60 kg. JWM Export Pilsner Australia 1.037 3
6.2 0.45 kg. Weyermann Carahell Germany 1.035 26
0.7 0.05 kg. Weyermann Caramunich II Germany 1.035 125

Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.


Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
7.00 g. Hallertauer Tradition Pellet 3.70 3.7 120 min.
28.00 g. Hallertauer Tradition Pellet 3.70 14.9 90 min.
28.00 g. Hallertauer Tradition Pellet 3.70 10.3 40 min.


White Labs WLP838 Southern German Lager
i f i brought my Keggle, would any body have the equipment to cut the hole for a tap? :blink:
OK so I have got everybody else sorted out, & now it is time to get my grain bill sorted out for the morning. That would be easy if I had some base malts!!!!! Looks like it is an early trip to the warehouse on my way to Brett's place.I reckon I will be mashed in by 11am if I get a few green lights!
A great day at the HBG.

Around 200L of beer made today, from Porter, IPA, Belgian Golden, English Dark and Doppelbock. Great day had by all, thanks to all who came and contributed. Pictures to follow tomorrow.

Thommo and I eyed off the flash HLT's and NASA's left here tonight :ph34r: Another big brew day tomorrow before the owners turn up :p Hopburst, Pilsner and Maibock turned out before Doc arrives mid afternoon.....

Cheers to all.
Duff, good to hear the day went well mate. Hope the two Aussie-hopped beers I sent with Gerard went down ok. The Tassie Hallertau Ale probably could have done with some more time in the bottle, but does the trick as is. The Aussie Cascade Ale is one that I am really enjoying at the moment. In fact I've hit Gerard up for some more of those hops...

Next time mate, I'll drag myself out there and join in the festivities! :)
Brett, Thanks for a great day, I had a great time watching how everything is done and had some of the best roasted lamb I have had for years :D . Also many thanks to your wife for putting up with all of us :beerbang: .
some pics of the day :beer:







Hey all,
First off... Thanks Brett and Kel for having us all over and putting on a top spread! It was absolutely awesome!!! And that lamb... OHMYGAWD!!! Thanks all the boys that showed me the ins and outs of AG brewing... Now since I have a slight grip on what I'm doing I might try and give it a go in the near future!!

Andrew! Great effort mate, posting at 3.39am after starting with a Pilsner around 11am.

T.D., the beers went down well, thanks. Tasting notes? Everything was a bit hazy.....

Some piccys...

Doc's beer engine ready for action.


Two of the setups, Doc left and Gerard_M right.


Stabilo_boss with his HLT which he brewed a double with Thommo


Phrak doughing in his BIAB, a porter which smelt awesome at the end of the day.


Stabilo_boss helping Gerard_M dough in.


The sparge arm gets a workout. L-R: eric8, crusher, Thommo and Stabilo_boss


Doc celebrates hitting his pre-boil gravity with popping a magnum of Hunter Pale Ale


"But I tried to be here on time" says Gerard_M while eric8 scratches his head in disbelief as well.


Petesbrew adding the sugar to his first partial, the Belgian Golden.


Pick the pro brewer, Gerard_M with the fine calculations of hop additions while everone else stood around drinking asking each other "How long left before the next addition?"


Thommo and I hardened up this morning and decided to put to good use a bit of equipment lying around. The outcome was 40L of Maibock, 40L of Hopburst APA and 23L of American Amber.

The sparge.



And the boil.


Gerard, feel free to leave the kettle here for a little while if you are not using it :)

Thanks to all who attended, we need to do this more than once per year.

Great pics Duff. That looks like an excellent brewday. :beer:

Are there any late night pics :blink:

Yeah those late night ramblings were after about a thousand bourbons down at the Quakers Inn... The farewell party lasted a little longer than what I had hoped for. Making up for it today though!
