Best Guess Wanted Ibu Of Esb Kit

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Beer Soaked Philosopher
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Threw an old ESB kit "Illawarra Special" - (I think its ESB Draught) into a pot and boilied it for an hour with other malts. I need someone's best guess on
1. Original IBU of kit in say 23litres of water - tried everywhere and can't get an answer. I'm guessing 13-20 IBU, what say you?
2. We have had this discussion many times, but I still can't get an answer. I want a best guess on what effect the hour boil will have on extracting the hop oils and isowhatevers from the wort.

Basically I want to know an appropximate IBU rating for the boiled kit.

Lastly, how do i search AHB specifically in Google. What do i do to get google to search AHB only (saw it once but can't find the thread it was in)

Best Guess please guys wins a prize !! (nay, just kidding)
I want a best guess on what effect the hour boil will have on extracting the hop oils and isowhatevers from the wort.

My best guess (not knowing the kit) is 0, nil, nufink, none. The isomerisation will have already taken place when the wort was made. Unless you are adding more hops, you aren't going to get any more isomerisation (well if any, it will be negligible).