Beer To Go With Blood

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Got all four wisdom teeth coming out tomorrow and I've only just started my holidays which tends to be my most diverse drinking time. If I'm to believe all I've been told I'll be tasting my own blood for nearly a week. What's the best beer to cut through and dare I say even 'compliment' that <_<
Seriously though, has anyone else had the intelligent ones pulled and found a beer to appropriately suit, or sedate there after?

there's not a compulsary 'dry' period afterward is there?? :eek:

Ps sorry to any twilight fan who got the wrong impression of this thread :rolleyes: :lol:

I think after four teeth being popped out I'd be on the vodka, straight from the freezer.
...or maybe that should read on the vodka, straight, from the freezer.
Had mine out a couple of years ago - got all 4 done in hospital in one go, no way I was going to be awake when they did that!

Came out of it looking like i'd gone 3 rounds with Mike Tyson - lots of bruising and swelling around the jaw line. One of the roots on the top was poking into my sinuses so that had to be patched up as well...

Pretty much the next week was alternating copious amounts of Panadine Forte and Neurofen, as well as anti-biotics...

Didn't have any beers for a week or 2 and would suggest the same for you - once the stitches start coming out, and you come off the pills, it should be ok...
My wisdom teeth came through when I was about 14 and they are the best most reliable teeth I own. However I am obviously less well evolved than you blokes who are on a reduced-teeth regime. BribieG swings off into the distance using his prehensile tail.

God I'd love to have that opposable thumb thingo, would make it easier to hoist the bag.

When I put off having them out about 12years back, I tried to justify my bold (but scared sh-tless) decision based on evolution! Why would we evolve to grow teeth that just need to be pulled out, surely they can cut some tucker with out screwing with the system too much.

BribieG - Trade you an extra set of teeth for that tail of yours ;)
Had mine out a couple of years ago - got all 4 done in hospital in one go, no way I was going to be awake when they did that!

Came out of it looking like i'd gone 3 rounds with Mike Tyson - lots of bruising and swelling around the jaw line. One of the roots on the top was poking into my sinuses so that had to be patched up as well...

Pretty much the next week was alternating copious amounts of Panadine Forte and Neurofen, as well as anti-biotics...

Didn't have any beers for a week or 2 and would suggest the same for you - once the stitches start coming out, and you come off the pills, it should be ok...

I was the same. I had a mate (who happens to be Samoan) pick me up from the surgury, everyone was looking at us walking down the street cause I looked like he'd just beaten' the f**k out of me. Then to make thing worse, SWMBO came home after work and I was lying on the lounge in a panadine enduced state while still under the influence of anestetics, took one look at me and said "holy f**k, are you ok".
I've had mine out but for the life of me I can't remember it, from reading the comments here however that might be a good thing
Kai has got it

had mine out and the doc said "dont drink"

i said "aint gonna happen"

so he suggested if i was gonna drink to have vodka neat as its a clean spirit that will actually sterilise your wounds as you drink

still a blood thinner and not sposed to mix with pain killers and the like but meh

get well soon chipmunk face lol
Got all four wisdom teeth coming out tomorrow and I've only just started my holidays which tends to be my most diverse drinking time. If I'm to believe all I've been told I'll be tasting my own blood for nearly a week. What's the best beer to cut through and dare I say even 'compliment' that <_<
Seriously though, has anyone else had the intelligent ones pulled and found a beer to appropriately suit, or sedate there after?

there's not a compulsary 'dry' period afterward is there?? :eek:

Ps sorry to any twilight fan who got the wrong impression of this thread :rolleyes: :lol:

I went straight to the pub I had a guiness. I must admit it wasnt the most pleasant beer and yes I could taste blood! But I needed to calm my nerves.
I had a steak for dinner the night after having mine out.
My sister was about 2 weeks before she could eat solid foods.

I think everyones situation is different so recovery times are different.
I had a steak for dinner the night after having mine out.
My sister was about 2 weeks before she could eat solid foods.

I think everyones situation is different so recovery times are different.

Yeah, many factors I think. First major factor is how your wisdom teeth are sitting/why they are being pulled out is number one. Looking at the x-rays, my wisdom teeth didn't look any different to the ones next to them. A slight slit down the side of the gum and pull. I saw my freind's xray of hers before removal and they were growing sidewards and completely concealed under the gum. The dentist on that one would have been mining thru gum and bone just to find the tooth. Ouch.