Beer In A Wine Bladder?

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just thinking for the holidays,
if i had an old 4L wine bladder from a cask,
cleaned it out, filled it with beer from my bottling bucket,
and left it to condition for a few weeks.
in the fridge over night an into an esky with ice for those bbq's at friends,
and rigged one of my fermenter taps for pouring.
would this work?

the thing against this i can think of would be
1. not to over prime - bladder may explode.
(but i dont mind if the beer isnt carbonated to correct levels.)
2. it would get shaken a bit so it would be a bit cloudy.
(i dont mind this either)

what do others think.

Ive thought about this but I'm too scared it would explode! If you do give it a bash let us know if it worked. You may have to underfill the bladder to give room for expansion and burp it if its looking dangerous. :eek:

My boss bought a 2L container of live beer back from the UK recently and it sounds like that was some kind of plastic container with a built in relief valve that pops out if it gets too gassy (have to push it back in yourself). Unfortunately he threw it away once he had finished otherwise I would have grabbed it.
or what about a 5L water container / jerry can / drink cooler?

slow day at work and my minds on this, more important stuff. :)

Just watch it everyday crackers and pour yourself a lovely real ale if it is getting to big.
This basically is the same as Reg's idea.
The big 20 litre ones you can get for $5 from camping stores or cheap shops they are sold as water containers you take camping.
I have had one of the best brews i have tasted poured from one of these. In winter time no need to keep cool, so you actually are drinking the beer while the yeast is still active.
Next winter i'll be doing my fair share of these for sure.
As far as taking 4 litres to a summer party. I just fill up long necks from the keg and put on ice.
Anymore beer than I bring out the magic box and keg.

Cheers Jayse
If you have a spare 15l ESB wort kit drum they make a good dispenser with a tap in the bottom.

Just prime it in the drum, it will blow up a bit and look a bit round but it will handle the pressure.
well where do i start.

grocery shopping, the girlfriend wanted some mineral water.
she pick out a 5L bottle and asked if it was okay if she added this to the list.
i said no, that 10L one in the box with a bladder is better valve for money. :rolleyes:
she stangely grabbed it and i think was suspicious of my intent.

well after she finished it i make up a quick k&k stout
mitre10 sell polypins that fit into the bladder.
bulked prim with 100g of dextrose and filled the bladder to about 6-7 litres.
filled the bottles with the rest.
everything went fine. had to release pressure after about 5 days then every 2nd day.
2 weeks after priming i poured a pint. very easily done.
it tasted all right, so i chucked it into the fridge.
girlfriend said, thats what you were after. :D

works fantastic, but needs a bit of pressure now is lost a bit of its contents.
the only thing ill do next time is keep the box. it would be handy to have the volume above the tap for a gravity pour.

10L is a bit big, but will work well here in tassie in winter out in the shed where it will stay cold.
