'Draught' is not a beer style - it's a lifestyle
First let me fill you in on the story. A year or so ago I went through a phase of grabbing beer engines that went cheap on eBay and getting them sent to my rellies in Blighty. The plan was that at some point I would organise some cheap freight and get them shipped over.
Well my rellies, bless em, decided to send them over as a bit of a gift, through a friend of a friend who could get a cheap rate.
Unbeknownst to them, I get to cop all the lovely customs fees, duties, wharfie luxury lifestyle tax and whatever else they can fit on an invoice.
So $500-for-cash later this is what I've got:
From left to right there are:
1 - Unbranded oldish handle and plinth (modified with tap, no cylinder)
2 - Homark
3 & 4 - Worthside double
5 & 6 - Worthside singles
7 & 8 - Hi-Gene
Apart from (1) they all feel like they work, a couple will probably need some work but some look like they are good to go. I already have a compact Homark engine, but it will be nice to get a matching pair for the bar.
Not sure yet what I want to do with them. I love to collect but 9 is probably one or two too many for one brewer.
Reckon there would be a market for beer engine hire?
Well my rellies, bless em, decided to send them over as a bit of a gift, through a friend of a friend who could get a cheap rate.
Unbeknownst to them, I get to cop all the lovely customs fees, duties, wharfie luxury lifestyle tax and whatever else they can fit on an invoice.
So $500-for-cash later this is what I've got:
From left to right there are:
1 - Unbranded oldish handle and plinth (modified with tap, no cylinder)
2 - Homark
3 & 4 - Worthside double
5 & 6 - Worthside singles
7 & 8 - Hi-Gene
Apart from (1) they all feel like they work, a couple will probably need some work but some look like they are good to go. I already have a compact Homark engine, but it will be nice to get a matching pair for the bar.
Not sure yet what I want to do with them. I love to collect but 9 is probably one or two too many for one brewer.
Reckon there would be a market for beer engine hire?