Beer & Cheese Class

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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I saw this when looking up cheese making courses. I've been in regular contact with the organiser and have directed her to Liquor on Parade to check out some good beers for this class. She is fairly knowledgeable about beer and has been taste testing for the last 2 months for this class - that's what I call putting in the hard yards. Linz and I are going to go, so feel free to tag along. I know that the class size is limited though.

'Beer & Cheese'

When: 3pm-5pm, Sunday 24th of June 2007

Where: Bayswater Brasserie 32 Bayswater Rd Kings Cross

Cost: $66 Inclusive of GST

McIntosh & Bowman Cheesemongers

[email protected]

An excerpt from her email to me:

We will be showcasing several beers from around the world and cheese from similar regions. There will be a variety of beer- different styles and strengths. There are many similarities between the science of beer and the science of cheese- and whilst we touch on technicalities of both- it wont be structured with too much information for those of you who just want to be introduced to some great new flavours and combinations.

Beer styles proposed for the day:

Belgium Ale
Pale Ale
Dark Ale
Wheat beer
Lambic-style beer

and a few others......
Blessed are the Cheesemakers...

And those disposed of the wheaties....

I like Cider. Cider/Ginger cheese... ooohhh ahhh...
