I'm a new brewer, still doing K&K, some hop additions really not branching out to much atm,i like to research and really get an understanding of what i'm doing and why before i undertake a brew! But one thing i had heard of quite a lot but really didn't test out much in my total of 5 brew thus far is ageing the beer! Basically i'd brew it drink it repeat. Fortunately for me i must have mixed up some bottles from a second batch (Canadian blonde, with a hop addition, citrus peel and orange blossom honey) so i poured a beer tonight thinking it was another batch, but was in fact my second batch which had been ageing for four months and wow the difference is unbelievable. The flavors have all heightened eg. the honey has mellowed out, but still very prominent (not so much sweet just honey flavor), the citrus which was basically non existent before is now a nice back note. I suggest to anyone who is impatient like me, just forget about a bottle and see what you think a couple of months down the track and judge yourself! Anyone else got a similar experience?