2023 Victorian Autumn Case swap

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Gday all, I'm hosting the Autumn case swap at my place in Kinglake Vic this year. For those who havnt been to one before we brew on the day and take home a cube each . If your interested in swapping bring along a dozen of your finest and take home a dozen mixed bottles of everyone else's bottles of home-brew. You can show up for the day or stay the whole weekend. Everyone chips in accordingly and we eat drink brew and be merry! Dates are first weekend in march. More details to come🍻
For anyone new, this will be my 3rd swap with this group of people.

Everyone is friendly and there is generally multiple beers on tap across multiple jockey boxes

Last time I think we had something like 6-7 RIS options :p along with something like 12+ taps of different beer
Joined AHB October 2013. Hosted my first Case Swap December 2013, due to a late cancellation by the host of the Christmas event. I had brewed 1 kit&kilo beer by that point. Was an absolute eye-opener and a great way to get involved with the Victorian brewing community. I have learnt so much from all the lads at the events and there's a weekend of opportunity to talk with people that are passionate about this hobby, as well as a host of others :)