2001 Urquell stinks!

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I opened up the fridge this arvo to have a peek at the pilsner and neally gagged on the sulphery pong.

Everything looks fine and its chugging along nicley at 10 deg. Is this normal?
It's normal for most lager yeasts, some more than others. It dissipates. Raise the temp a degree might help and if you're doing a diacetyl rest it will go altogether at that stage
I've used 2001 quite a bit over the last 12 months (8 brews) and of all the lager yeasts I have used I found it produced very little rotten egg gas compared to some.
I have made it my choice of lager yeasts for the reason of not having to go to any trouble with trying to dissipate the smell.
Underpitching can cause the smell as well at times.
I also don't get much sulphur from 2001 - 34/70, that one's a STINKER - but an issue with the Boh yeasts (and 2000) is they get really diacetyly if you do the "pitch warm, reduce temp" lager pitching. And a rest doesn't rid it.
Nick JD said:
I also don't get much sulphur from 2001 - 34/70, that one's a STINKER - but an issue with the Boh yeasts (and 2000) is they get really diacetyly if you do the "pitch warm, reduce temp" lager pitching. And a rest doesn't rid it.
Totally agree with Nick on this one...The first lager I ever brewed was with 34/70 and it scared the crap out of me. It took ages to clean itself up.

May have underpitched a little as I only made a liter of starter. I stored both in the fridge to 'normalize' before I pitched and then discovered that the actual temp was 2 or 3 deg cooler than indicated in the thermostat. It's not the most advanced of units, so if anything, they started low. Plus I aerated buggery out of the wort.

Admittedly I hadent opened the fridge in two days beforehand and it seems a lot less pronounced today.
Anyways, **** all I can do now other than a D rest so we'll see how it goes.

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