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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. taylor-madeak

    A Live Guide To Brewing Sake

    I'm at risk of sounding like a know-it-all here, but I just can't let you guys stay all mixed up like this without trying to correct it. Koreans do use koji when they're making sak, and some pretty darn respectable sak is indeed made in that country. To further clarify on the subject of that...
  2. taylor-madeak

    Byo Magazine Recipes

    Read the link in my signature, then venture a guess. :lol: I'll give you a hint, though: there are a lot of Japanese words in that six-page feature article. :D
  3. taylor-madeak

    Byo Magazine Recipes

    There wasn't any crystal malt at all in my recent (November) BYO article... :P
  4. taylor-madeak


    ROFL! The same - and worse! - can be said for any number of common household and brewery substances. Grain dust, caustic soda, bleach, large volumes of boiling liquids.... Percarbonate does work just fine without the water glass additive, though. Might take a little longer, but it's still a...
  5. taylor-madeak


    Unfortunately, I don't have a garage. I also have to boil outside because I'm an AG brewer, which makes a wort chiller necessary. That's where Alaska winters really hit me: my garden hoses are frozen! Sooo, I restrict my beer brewing to summer and in the winter I make sake. Sake keeps me...
  6. taylor-madeak


    PBW is a percarbonate cleaner that's been kicked up with some sodium metasilicate. I don't know if you guys can get it down under, but here stateside there is a product available in most stores called "Oxyclean" along with its generic variants. Add an equal amount of "phosphate-free" TSP...
  7. taylor-madeak

    A Live Guide To Brewing Sake

    Yep, that's exactly the one I own.
  8. taylor-madeak

    A Live Guide To Brewing Sake

    Not to hijack this thread or anything, but it's aliiiiiiiiiiive! I think the foam trying to claw its way out of my fermenter is the result of using homemade koji instead of the store-bought stuff I normally use. I could go on about how the Cold Mountain Rice Koji is made for making miso blah...
  9. taylor-madeak

    A Live Guide To Brewing Sake

    I think I mentioned over on NB, but the filter probably would've worked better if you let the nigori settle out first. :lol: I probably should've specified that before you tried it, but I guess it just didn't occur to me. My bad. Your sake is going to taste pretty harsh right now, with the...
  10. taylor-madeak

    A Live Guide To Brewing Sake

    Duck's nuts? Is that a good thing? Or is it Ozzie slang for "go soak yer head?" :lol: That's what comments are for. :D You can reply to me anywhere, really. I check NB most frequently, but every other forum I usually have set to send me an e-mail when I get replies. If nothing else, you...
  11. taylor-madeak

    A Live Guide To Brewing Sake

    I am summoned! :lol: