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  1. Fantoman

    Can You Chill In A Cube?

    Yeah is definitely possible... Some people have tied a rope and dropped the cube in their pool to cool, I have put it in our outdoor spa to cool... Some considerations to take though if going to do a slow chill (as opposed to no chill) in a cube... 1. Always Sanitize the cube thoroughly, as...
  2. Fantoman

    Turning Bleach And Vinegar Into A No-rinse Sanitiser

    I'd third the recommendation for Starsan... bought a bottle about 3 years ago, and it's nearly run out now, and I bought it at the same time as my keg setup. Haven't lost a batch to infection since using it (touch wood!)...
  3. Fantoman

    Star San Container Tip

    Is it time for a "Show us your Starsan Lid's" thread? It's been a while since i've seen one of those! :ph34r:
  4. Fantoman

    Star San Container Tip

    Yep, one of the caps on my Starsan cracked about a year or more ago... Never thought of replacing with a Coke lid - thanks Incider, have replaced today! B)
  5. Fantoman

    Reusing A Yeastcake

    Yeah, it works fine. There are a couple of options really... You can pour out about 1/2 to 1 cup into a sanitized jug, cover with glad wrap, and clean the fermenter, sanitize, fill and pitch which I have done many many times with great success - never had a problem... You can also pour out the...
  6. Fantoman

    Hop Sock - Who Uses One?

    I use one on occasion here... When using Pellets I don't bother anymore since putting a pickup tube in my urn, but when using flowers I find I need to use the hopsock... Have had the tap block up every time i've tried using flowers without the hopsock so now always use it when using flowers...
  7. Fantoman

    Enough Of The Fricken "old Spice Guy" Allready

    Nah, that was Blue Stratos for me! :)
  8. Fantoman

    Beer To Go With Blood

    Had mine out a couple of years ago - got all 4 done in hospital in one go, no way I was going to be awake when they did that! Came out of it looking like i'd gone 3 rounds with Mike Tyson - lots of bruising and swelling around the jaw line. One of the roots on the top was poking into my...
  9. Fantoman

    Stout Stew

    Have a Stout Stew in the oven now... Will be hooking into it in about an hour (has already been in the oven for 4). It is my first go at a Stout Stew and is basically a bastardized recipe I made up today as I was going.... Smells fantastic so far! Recipe: 1 x pieces of Chuck steak (not sure...
  10. Fantoman

    Kegging, Is It The Way To Go?

    I am also of the mind that Kegs are less overall effort than bottling (although I was bottling into stubbies). It would take anywhere up to 2 hours to bottle a 23 litre batch, but the same batch takes around 1/2 hour to keg - that includes cleaning and starsaning the keg and running a couple...
  11. Fantoman

    Mould Everywhere - Should I Just Throw It Away?

    I would soak in PBW/Napisan for a few days - start with hot water Rinse and then soak in Bleach/Vinegar for a few days Rinse in hot water and then run some Starsan through it Empty it out and put it aside for a few days... After the few days, take a wiff and see if it smells or not - if it does...
  12. Fantoman

    Extreme Bitterness, Have I Created Poison?

    Ahhh, must have missed that! Dunno then! :blink:
  13. Fantoman

    To Brew Or To Spew...experiment Here....

    Yeah, taking into consideration the botulism risk... is the end result worth the amount of effort expended in the production? Probably not! :icon_vomit:
  14. Fantoman

    Extreme Bitterness, Have I Created Poison?

    Did you add the same weight of dried malt as you would have of liquid malt? Reason for asking is that dried malt has a higher extract potential per weight than liquid, due to the water content... So if you added the same amount of dried as you would have of liquid, then you will end up with a...
  15. Fantoman

    To Brew Or To Spew...experiment Here....

    Carb it up high and serve it at around freezing and i'm sure it will still be nicer than New Supercold!
  16. Fantoman

    Kegging Setups

    That, my friend, is a thing of beauty!
  17. Fantoman

    Is Stout Actually Good For You? How?

    Apparently there are some studies that show that anti-oxidants found in Guinness slow down the deposit of cholesterol on artery walls, so I would imagine that it applies for other stouts as well - nothing related to the supposed iron content though... Guiness and Health Also interesting to note...
  18. Fantoman

    How Do I Clean A Voile Bag?

    Mine just goes straight into the washing machine by itself with a bit of napisan... As I don't have it sowed into a bag the edges are getting a bit frayed now, but it should last a while yet - am waiting on the misses to sow it up for me (been waiting almost a year so far :huh: )
  19. Fantoman

    Biab Urns: Birko Vs Crown

    Yeah, I have done MO's without lifting the bag in a Crown Urn... as long as you keep stirring while the element is on, it is fine - no sign of holes appearing in my bags... Didn't really get any increased efficiency from doing it though so have stopped now...
  20. Fantoman

    Wtb Thongs/flipflops

    Any local builder/chippy should be should be able to point you in the right direction for picking up a pair of these - from what I can tell, they are standard issue work boots... I'm pretty sure they come from the same place that sells polo shirts with a pack of winnie blue in the shirt pocket...