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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. lukencode

    Kegging without gas

    Sounds good, will give it a good run in the fermenter then condition in keg. If I'm getting desperate I might give the keg natural carbonation a dig.
  2. lukencode

    What to brew - Galaxy and Ella flowers

    I brewed an american wheat with these hops that came out pretty nicely. Basically 50%, wheat 50% pils, 25ish IBU and american wheat yeast.
  3. lukencode

    Kegging without gas

    Do to an unfortunate series of events I have managed to run out of gas the day my car got written off just as I have a beer ready to keg. Does anyone have ideas as to how I can get the beer into the keg and keep it without it ruining until I can obtain some gas? Options I am considering...
  4. lukencode

    Saison and Stone and Wood PA clone in one brew?

    If you do the saison on wyeast french saison it will attenuate massively either way. I would probably suggest 10IBU or so worth of bittering at 60 minutes then cube hope the different beers. I've done a cube hopped saison with 15-20 IBU worth of a saaz, summer mix. Worked out well.
  5. lukencode

    Hop combinations and why?

    Saaz and Summer worked well in a saison for me - kinda fruity spicy with the yeast. I also like Galaxy + Ella in wheaty pale ales. Ella seems to take the tone down the passion fruit and give it a bit of an edge.
  6. lukencode


    Why wouldnt you put the grains on the scale?
  7. lukencode

    Most interesting AU/NZ Hops...other than Nelson Sauvin and Galaxy?

    Summer is nice in a saison. Had an american wheat with galaxy and ella that was pretty good too.
  8. lukencode

    Barrett Burston Pale Malt Sack

    I have an excess full sack of Barrett Burston Pale Malt (competition prize) that I need to offload. Looking for $40 which I believe is about what you would pay in a bulk buy. Pick up from Fairfield, Brisbane.
  9. lukencode

    Whats In The Glass

    Looks a cracker - mind sharing your recipe?
  10. lukencode

    BELGIUM suggestions please!

    Tried a few places in brussels - Cantillion brewery was awesome also the cafe delirium bar.
  11. lukencode

    Saison Yeast Question

    I can recommend 3711 as being a beast. Brewed a saison that was basically 87% pils, 10% wheat and 3% brown sugar fermented with 3711 that won the saison category at the queensland comp recently. Got down to 1.001 and worked real well with saaz and summer hops.
  12. lukencode

    Mangrove Jack Craft Series Yeasts

    Please do, I have an ESB in the cube that I would also normally 1469 but am tempted to try M70/M10 on it.
  13. lukencode

    What Are You Brewing - 2014

    I do listen to it but haven't heard this week. What did they say?
  14. lukencode

    What Are You Brewing - 2014

    Looking to put down an english bitter over the weekend: OG 1.049 IBU 32 3.70 kg Maris Otter 200 g Caraaroma 200 g Wheat Malt 30 g Carafa Special II 15 g Challenger - Boil 60 min 20 g Challenger - Boil 20 min (cube) 15 g Styrian Goldings - Boil 20 min (cube) West Yorkshire Ale #1469...
  15. lukencode

    Mangrove Jack Craft Series Yeasts

    Used the M07 British ale in a foreign stout and it turned out real well. Maybe just a touch under attenuated but pretty similar to what fletcher describes. I have an english bitter coming up and am considering the m07 again or the burton union. Any thoughts?
  16. lukencode

    Mangrove Jack's Burton Union M79

    Thinking about using this yeast in a marris otter, challenger smash english bitter. Worried a bit about excessive esters and cloudiness some people have reported. After something nice and crisp, dont mind a bit of belgian.
  17. lukencode

    Brewtech SS fermenting vessels discussion thread

    Brewbuckets would be even more awesome with: - themowell - metric markings - bigger pickup tube - some sort of hatch to dry hop though
  18. lukencode

    First BIAB Pale Ale/IPA Recipe Suggestions w/ Citra/Centennial/Galaxy

    I would go something that leaves you a lot of room for error - it is pretty difficult to hit efficiency and volumes first try. Something like Dr Smurtos Golden ale (in the recipe DB) substituting the hops you have would work well.
  19. lukencode

    Secondary Bottle Conditioning with Brett B

    I'd also recommend plastic PET bottles just to be on the safe side.