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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. toadskin

    Wb-06 Yeast Made A Huge Difference

    the WB-06 has given it a real Schfferhofer taste and aroma, lots of body in the mouth with a completely different after-taste. Hugely impressed, and it's only been in the bottle for 5 days (it's fully carbonated already...I dunno why everyone complains about carb drops, they worked fine for...
  2. toadskin

    Halting The Bottle Fermentation

    I have found that some of my brews drink best young, at around the 4 weeks in the bottle time. After that they seem to lose their hoppiness and begin to mellow right out. My thought is, can you stop the ongoing maturation in the bottle with ultra-violet light? Sort of an ultra-violet...
  3. toadskin

    Aerating With A Karcher.

    Why not try one of those thingoes they use at the prawn farms to aerate the wort. You know, for large batches. :beerbang:
  4. toadskin

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    $22.99US ea plus postage
  5. toadskin

    Bigger Sodastream Bottles At Big W

    This may be a dumb question, but do these soda stream setups carbonate the keg as well, or is it just to push the beer through to the font/tap? I thinking about going to kegs but they would have to be 12 litre size to fit in my bar fridge. Would it be okay for the gas bottle and reg to...
  6. toadskin

    Hi I Am New To Brewing

    Hi Phil.....had the same problem with the moulding ridge on the airlock. I pared mine back with a Stanley blade until it was smooth and that fixed the problem. I tried gladwrap and while it works fine, there is something reassuring about the sound of a brew bubbling away in the fridge whenever...
  7. toadskin

    Perth Report: Too Much Salt Found In Tap Water

    I live in Geraldton and make an identical K&K brew to my mate in Collie, we both use fermenting fridges, both carbonate the same way, use the same brand products and yet the two beers taste very different. Could water quality/dissolved salts be the issue? I have a rainwater tank but have...
  8. toadskin

    Over Hopped

    Okay, is mine under hopped? 1 can Coopers APA 1kg LDME 500gm dextrose all in 30 minute 7 litre boil with 20gm of Amarillo 9.3% made up to 23ltr. SA04 at 19.5C Still in primary after 8 days I have Amarillo, Hallertauer and POR pellets available.
  9. toadskin

    Wheat Beer Experiment - Whaddyareckon?

    I have played around with Wheat Beers a fair bit as I fell in love with Erdinger when I was last in Singapore. My personal experience is don't bother brewing a Wheat Beer unless you use a specialised Wheat Beer yeast. It also appears to me, that Wheat malt brews take considerably longer to...
  10. toadskin

    What Can I Do With These Left Overs

    Hope it turns out okay. My leftovers. 1.5kg Blackrock Amber liquid malt extract, 1 kg ldme, 600gm llme, 160gm Coopers No 2 brew enhancer, 50gm Centenial and 20 gm of Amarillo. I guess a darkish not so pale ale?
  11. toadskin

    Bavarian Weibier

    I have made several brews based on this now and they do produce a nice beer. I used 2kg of dry wheat malt extract last time. I would suggest that with WB06 you ferment at 17C and you will find that you not only get the phenolic/clove esters but also a bit of banana too. My last took three...
  12. toadskin


    I got one off Ebay with the Brix and SG but how do you read the damn things. Mine just gives me blue slowly fading to white but it is impossible to pick any particular line like they show in the instructions. I took a guess at 1025 but my hydrometer gives me 1016. Am I doing something wrong?
  13. toadskin

    Jurien Bay Micro-brewery W.a.

    Fantastic! We travel the Indian Ocean Drive fairly regularly and are always looking for a new place for lunch or a coffee break. Jurien is ideal because it's the half way point. Hope they do take-a-ways.
  14. toadskin

    Gb From Scratch Mkii

    I boiled the Refresher with the LDME but not the minced ginger. I was going to boil that as well but I wasn't sure what effect it would have on the taste of the ginger. The lime and chilli were just washed carefully and thrown in. I calculated the Refresher contains about 500gm of sucrose...
  15. toadskin

    Gb From Scratch Mkii

    Put this down today. I x 750ml bottle Buderim Ginger Refresher 1 x 1kg Buderim minced fresh ginger 1 x 1kg LDME 250gm lactose 1 x cinnamon stick 1 x small chilli 1/2 lime Morgans ale yeast Hope and pray! 23lt ferment
  16. toadskin

    Bottle Priming

    No I don't make my own bullets and I don't sell cocaine. I'm not sure why but I have been avoiding this bulk priming idea. Perhaps it's just habit from years ago but, okay, I'll give it a go. So, 140gm of dextrose for 23l of IPA? Dissolve it in 500ml boiling water and put it in the fermenter...
  17. toadskin

    Beer A Little Fizzy Before Bottling.

    I have found, now that I am using a temperature controlled fermenting fridge, that my finished beer has more CO2 dissolved in it prior to bottling and foams a bit when I bottle it. I have dropped back my priming sugars as a result because I was getting over carbonation.
  18. toadskin

    Bottle Priming

    I was looking at a Lee brand powder measure the other day and wondered if it would be any good for priming bottles. They obviously handle the various powders okay so I can't see why they wouldn't handle cane sugar the same. Has anyone tried one of these...