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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. T

    Golden Ale

    Thanks heaps guys / girls
  2. T

    Golden Ale

    Ah great, so for 5L boil, 700ml should be enough?
  3. T

    Golden Ale

    Just so i can understand, why do we only add a small amount an not all of it?
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    Golden Ale

    I put in the modifications into beersmith but the numbers didnt match, what am i doing wrong? Type: Extract Date: 18/04/2011 Batch Size: 23.00 L Brewer: Boil Size: 7.00 L Boil Time: 60 min Equipment: Brew Pot (2 Gallon) Taste Rating(out of 50): 35.0 Brewhouse Efficiency: - Taste...
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    Golden Ale

    Just did this up in Beersmith but i want to make sure that everything is OK. Beersmith is show that everything except for the color is ok. Type: Extract Date: 18/04/2011 Batch Size: 23.00 L Brewer: Boil Size: 6.55 L Boil Time: 60 min Equipment: Brew Pot (2 Gallon) Taste Rating(out of 50)...
  6. T

    Configuring Your Digital Temp Controller

    Hehe. check all of those. I have 2 temp controllers, 1 for heating and 1 for cooling. Heating controller is turned off at the momennt as it is hot enough in perth.
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    Configuring Your Digital Temp Controller

    I have it set on the following 1 min delay with there is a 1 degree drop. I also have the probe attached to the fermentor to messure the wort and not the ambient temp of the fridge
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    Configuring Your Digital Temp Controller

    LOL, that might be true however I am not sure my dogs are that smart yet.
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    Configuring Your Digital Temp Controller

    I have been brewing largers at 14c. My controller is ED330 (
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    Configuring Your Digital Temp Controller

    Hey Guys, Just a question, i have a digital temp controller and i would like to know the best way to configure it. Reason is because the way i had it set seemed to increase my electricity bill from 100 to 500... CHeers
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    The Bag For Biab

    Nice work. Ill take note of that :P. Atleast I can learn from other peoples mistakes
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    The Bag For Biab

    Thanks for that. I will let my wife know :)
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    The Bag For Biab

    Great, thanks for the advise. Just 1 more thing, whats the best way to clean them?
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    The Bag For Biab

    Hey, just a quick one. Where can i buy the bag for BIAB. I am in WA and would like to purchase one big enough to be 23 L batchs Thanks Tim
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    Suggestions For Second Brew.

    Just as Roverfj mentioned, temp control is probably the best investment a beginning home-brewer can make. Once you have this, you can get any type of yeast. If you try different yeasts but dont have temp control, your beers can turn out nasty. Just to geek out a bit, the first couple of days...
  16. T

    Suggestions For Second Brew.

    One only advise I can give you is work on the one you have just brewed. Play around with it abit if that is the type of beer you like. I started out with a pilnser kit. 3 kits later I made a Pilsner that i liked and learned stuff that was really important to brewing. I learned about dry hopping...
  17. T

    Help With Recipe

    Sorry if its now formatted greatly. Copied straight from Beersmith 11/13/2010 Clean and prepare equipment. -- Measure ingredients, crush grains. -- Prepare 24.55 L water for brewing -- Steep Specialty Grains Amount Item Type 0.25 kg Aromatic Malt (26.0 SRM) Grain 0.05 kg Acid Malt (3.0 SRM)...
  18. T

    Help With Recipe

    Hey Guys, Just need some help with this recipe. Its a great beer but there a few things i would like to adjust to make it a better beer. The recipe can be found here. 1. I would like the make the after taste smoother. It has a bit bitter after...
  19. T

    First Extract Recipe

    Sorry, I should have updated the recipe. I will be using Saflager w-34/70