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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. M

    Kooinda Award

    Hey Trav (and Fent) Can you please stop using AHB as an advertisement for your beer. What you do is great, but enough is enough. No need to bump yourself today - just did it for you.
  2. M

    New Australian Drinking Guidelines

    It would be a whole lot easier to ease back on the booze (and other substances) if some guy hadn't crashed the economy. Apparently even Michael Phelps is finding it hard. I thought he had a pretty good year.
  3. M

    Help Me Spend $160

    Can you buy mouth party on ebay? wawawewah
  4. M

    A Fair Go For Craft Beer

    Not sure if this post warrants a reply - but anyway. At the moment, alcohol tax reform is a minefield. A government who is actively trying to protect us from binge drinking, R2D companies trying to find loopholes, and our craft brewers who are struggling to pay their WEEKLY excise tax. The...
  5. M

    They Ruined It!

    Was once privy to a discussion between senior brewers for Lion Nathan and Fosters Group talking about brewing beers under license. Apparently the Heineken folks take brewing mediocre beer so seriously that they have a globetrotting auditing team who make sure that the licensees have parameters...
  6. M

    What Makes Megaswill Just So Crap?

    After now 10 pages, perhaps this thread should be called "What makes homebrewers just so ignorant and self righteous?"
  7. M

    What Makes Megaswill Just So Crap?

    A lot of you have missed the point. The beer is not crap (ie faulty in some way). It achieves what it was meant to - please re-read the AIBA guidelines for Australian Lagers. That your palate prefers something with higher hop and malt profile doesn't make the alternative - what you call...
  8. M

    What Makes Megaswill Just So Crap?

    Actually work for a microbrewery - my weekends are my own. BTW I prefer a good AHB thread than Pierce Brosnan as 007. Sean Connery or even Daniel Craig would kick his arse. Brosnan is a pussy.
  9. M

    What Makes Megaswill Just So Crap?

    I'm a brewer. There is an old English saying - "if you can't see the brewery, don't drink the beer!" There are some very high quality filtered beers that travel in bottles from Europe, across the equator in shipping containers that reach 50degC inside, and arrive in fairly good nick, though...
  10. M

    What Makes Megaswill Just So Crap?

    This thread is v interesting. Firstly, I find the name of it pretty ordinary, and full of generalisation. I am assuming that by the term "megaswill" that Sponge (and others who have replied) implies adjunct lagers. Adjunct lagers are a style of beer all by themselves, and need to be...
  11. M

    4th Recipe.. Do You Think I Have Over Complicated The Hop Schedule?

    It is a bit elaborate. What are you trying to achieve by all this? You're obviously after something of a hop flavour, so my best advice is to give it a decent whack of bitterness (ie at beginning of boil), and some at the end (some aroma) and then dry hop post ferment with some nice oily yank...
  12. M

    New Brewery Name Idea's

    Brew a cider called Dickens
  13. M

    400 Liters Lost To Infection

    Whatever. Just promise me that you'll pull them to bits often. I have never seen ball valves in breweries, and have never used them myself. All I know is that there is so much crap than can get stuck behind the ball in the valve - even when you put caustic through them - that you're better off...
  14. M

    400 Liters Lost To Infection

    I believe I said butterfly valve which need to be dismantled, cleaned and reassembled. I am happy to race you.
  15. M

    400 Liters Lost To Infection

    don't use ball valves - they are not sanitary. I know lots of home brewers use them, but judging from those photos, there is no chance that you will get them clean without dismantling them, which you can't. Don't brew until they are cleaned or replaced. Because of their mechanism, there is no...
  16. M

    News Article On Hargreaves Hill

    banana flavour is what most weiss brewers aim for