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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. shark

    Should I Crash Chill A Hefeweizen?

    Thanks everyone. I used the safbrew wb06. Might just keg with out the crash chill and see how I go. Thanks for everyone's help. Ben
  2. shark

    Should I Crash Chill A Hefeweizen?

    Hi Everyone, Currently brewing a Hefeweizen fresh wort kit which will be going straight into a keg. Just wondering if I should crash chill it or just keg it straight away? I know wheat beers are meant to be cloudy. Thanks Ben
  3. shark

    Fresh Wort Kits. Are They Any Good?

    Retailers are listed on their website:
  4. shark

    Fresh Wort Kits. Are They Any Good?

    Ragmans Coat -> Where abouts do you live? Local HBS normally stock them. Just add 5 litres of water. Makes 20 litres of wort. The Brewers Selection is fresh from the kettles of St. Peters Brewery in Sydney, to your fermenter. Made from only the freshest Australian and imported malted barley...
  5. shark

    Fresh Wort Kits. Are They Any Good?

    Thanks guys. Will pick one up next week. Guess I better just work my through the whole ND brewing range :) :) :)
  6. shark

    Fresh Wort Kits. Are They Any Good?

    Hi, Have done two of these so far (Brewers Selection) Original Porter and Norwest Pale Ale. Both very nice. So much better than kits. Has anyone done the Brewers Selection Wheat beer? Think its the Hefeweizen. Whats it like? Ben
  7. shark

    Possible Infection?

    Thanks everyone for their help. Well I woke up this morning and had a look at it and noticed the spots seemed to be going. Got home tonight and all the white spots (that I thought were mold) were GONE! Go figure! So I worried for nothing. Thanks everyone.
  8. shark

    Possible Infection?

    Thanks everyone. SG 1038 and its now around 1008-1007 Fermenting 7 days.
  9. shark

    Possible Infection?

    No not bubbles. The lighter stuff on top in the picture is groups of bubbles. Its more like white mold. :o :o
  10. shark

    Possible Infection?

    Hi Everyone, Have been fermenting this fresh wort kit (norwest pale ale) for 7 days now. Gravity has dropped to around 1008. Yeast was safale us-05 pitched at 22C Has been fermenting at around 18C but one day went up to 22C until I managed to get it into a box with some ice inside it. Foam...
  11. shark

    Whats In The Glass

    Brewers Choice Original Porter (Fresh Wort Kit). Pored straight from the tap into one of my new glasses. Very nice drop. Easily the best beer I have brewed.
  12. shark

    Dodgy Keg

    Just a quick question. At what rate should napisan be mixed up at for keg cleaning? Thanks
  13. shark

    Ag Or Keg?

    I just went through the same dilemma... Keg or Ag. I chose KEG And its the best thing I have ever done. Nothing better then pouring any icy cold beer straight from my fridge. Swear the beer tastes better too haha.
  14. shark

    Gas Leaks

    Thanks for the info here. I setup my keg system on the weekend. Was a bit worried about a leak because I was losing pressure when I turned off the bottle after a few hours. Made up a spray bottle with warm water and dishwashing liquid. Sprayed it on and found a leak between the regulator and...
  15. shark

    Some Kegging Questions...

    Hi All, Just kegged my first brew. Brewers Selection Original Porter Fresh Wort Kit. Kegged and burped. Chilled in the fridge for 24 hours. 300kpa for 24 hours Disconnected gas for an hour. Reconnected gas dialed the gas to around 50kpa Served. Tasted great but perhaps a little bit gritty...
  16. shark

    Keg Gas Line

    Hi Everyone, I read somewhere it is a good idea to have the gas line running through the fridge level or above the top of the keg. Is this correct or just a good idea. I have run the gas line through the bottom and hoping it wont affect anything. Thanks Ben
  17. shark

    Keg Setup Without Drilling Holes?

    GOOD NEWS GOOD NEWS! Wife must of been in a good mood (or wanted something). Can I please drill a hole in the fridge. Yes... Yes you can! Woohoo! Thanks everyone. Today I drilled the gas line in through the side. Next I have to decide in 2 or 3 kegs (2 or 3 taps on the front) :)
  18. shark

    Keg Setup Without Drilling Holes?

    Thanks everyone for the invaluable help. Some great info here. Is it possible to put a small hole in the "seal" between the magnet section at the door? And then run the gas line through here? Would have to be near the hinge so it doesn't rip the tube out when opening the door? This would save...
  19. shark

    Keg Setup Without Drilling Holes?

    Hi Everyone, Looking at moving into the world of kegging. But the wife wont let me drill holes in the 2nd fridge (just yet). Is there anyway that I can just run the whole system inside the fridge? Maybe use a pluto gun which just sits inside the fridge (until I can convince her I am going to...
  20. shark

    New Mash Tun - I'm In Lurve

    Hi ThirstyBoy, Love the new mash tun, looks great. IN your last picture what are you using to heat your kettle? Looks just like a little gas burner. How did it go boiling?