No! They are not multi layer. Check the KL website. They are described as a mono layer item. The soft rounded edges in the enlarged photo don’t make sense of a breach incident at 15PSI. But yes, staged, something this forum could do without,
Please have a look at the attached picture. This is an enlargement of a section of the original photo. Please note the smooth rounded edges (the white bits) on the breached part of the keg. This is inconsistent with an explosive force as rough jagged edges would be expected. To cause this smooth...
It does seem like a dodgy photo of a 4L keg that exploded with only 15PSI and sprayed 20L. A full keg with only a small amount of headspace does not have enough propellant (compressed CO2) to spread the contents very far unless it is a small breach below the liquid. On the other hand a nearly...
Your picture of the exploded PET keg shows a 4L one. The 20L one is a completely different shape. Just check the KL website. The picture appears staged as this is a catastrophic failure inconsistent with a pressure of 15PSI.
If kegging add an extra 150g to 200g. This makes up for the priming sugar you would otherwise use when bottling. If you are not force carbonating in the keg then add the extra sugar to the keg and condition at approximately 20C for 3 to 4 weeks. Cool and enjoy. If you are making a Coopers...
That I don't know. Next time at their brewery in Byron Bay I will ask. My next brew of this style will be with 15% Malted Wheat and 15% Torrified Wheat and 5% rice hulls. (I know it's supposed to be Rolled Wheat but I already have Torrified Wheat. I doubt it will make much difference). After...
Depends. If using rolled oats and wheat as in Steve's recipe then yes. If using malted barley and wheat as in my recipe then there is no need to as you are using fully modified malts and will not achieve much with a stepped mash. I suggest 60min @66.7C and mash out 75.6C 10min. (optional).
I have never used no chill but I expect it would be a bit higher. You could slightly reduce the 15 min addition. You won't find any "harsh" characters from the Galaxy as there are no early boil additions. If the aim is a beer similar to Stone & Wood Pacific Ale then Galaxy is the hop to use.
I have made this many times and this is very close.
Use Pilsner malt.
Wheat malt 20%
Acidulated malt or other acid as required.
Galaxy @15min to 9 IBU
Galaxy Whirlpool 30min @80C to 8 IBU
Galaxy Dry Hop 4 days before kegging. Use about the same amount as was used at 15min and whirlpool...