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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. razz

    Cold / Hot Break Trub

    I find that the majority of the break is caught up with the hops so I just use the pump/recirc line to send it into the fermenter. When I get down to the last few liters I slow down the flow and when the wort looks cloudy I stop.
  2. razz

    KegLand Questions and Answers

    Mash tun deadspace? I have mine set at 3.5 lts (I measured this) Trub/chiller loss? I set to 2.75 lts but that can vary with the amount of hops.
  3. razz

    The use of clarifier in beer reduces foam retention ?

    I use Biofine clear and don’t have any issues with beer foam.
  4. razz

    Brewfather sparge calculations?

    I use Nova and pretty much always get 80% att. With the blt and built in thermometers I’ve had a couple of swings in mash temp range, anything from 65-69. If you are getting much bigger variations then you may need to calibrate them. With Brewfather water additions I’m pretty much bang on with...
  5. razz

    Brewfather sparge calculations?

    Good morning KLCB. How much yeast are you pitching into those three brews?
  6. razz

    I'm Back Baby!

    Welcome back Brad.
  7. razz

    Brew not fermenting.

    Hi Ryan, can you confirm it hasn’t started by taking a gravity reading?
  8. razz

    Retired this week

  9. razz

    Retired this week

    Well done on achieving retirement John. Ten years in the planning! I thought I was keen planning mine five years out.
  10. razz

    Connecting Millmaster to drill

    Doesn’t the mill master have a shorter drive on the other side that is suited for drill chucks?
  11. razz

    Mill Motors

    I would happily provide details of my MashMaster grain mill but it's no longer manufactured.
  12. razz


    Brewing beer is bucket chemistry.
  13. razz

    Motion Dynamics Mill Motor Wiring

    The original MillMaster, I love mine. They don’t make them like that anymore!
  14. razz

    KegLand Questions and Answers

    As compared to lifting the malt pipe with the grain bag inside, was what I meant.
  15. razz

    KegLand Questions and Answers

    I’ve tried with it inside the malt pipe and it was a pain in the backside. I never did try it out side the malt pipe but it would definitely make lifting the malt pipe a lot easier.
  16. razz

    KegLand Questions and Answers

    The stainless unit is about 250 grams so it’s good to keep a piece of silicone tube nice and straight when it’s over the mash. $20ish from AliExpress. Nicely spreads the wort out across the grain if you sit it just at the grain surface. The sergeant spray has a really good pattern (polygon) and...
  17. razz

    Hello from Aberdeen, Scotland

    Welcome PVD. Ask questions, make beer and have fun!
  18. razz

    KegLand Questions and Answers

    My collection of gadgets, I can’t help myself. The stainless piece is the best one for spreading wort back over the grain bed. The red one is a CIP from KL.
  19. razz

    Newbie from Perth, G'day!

    Welcome Snowy, have fun mate.
  20. razz

    2023 - What are you brewing?

    Monday’s RIS Captains Hat RIS Imperial Stout 11.3% / 24.1 °P Recipe by JD All Grain Small Batch brewing 67.1% efficiency Batch Volume: 17 L Boil Time: 120 min Mash Water: 26.45 L Sparge Water: 6.75 L Total Water: 33.2 L Boil Volume: 27.79 L Pre-Boil Gravity: 1.072 Original Gravity: 1.102...