Was thinking that myself, quote (full to the brim) so maybe a no sparge, that will loose efficiency.
lespaul could be the high temp together with the sodium percarbonate I don't go above 60 C works well at that.
There is another thread on here about the noise of the Kegerators.
Hope the movie wasn't, One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest.
If its the one I am thinking of I made this a couple of months ago as all grain, the recipe asked for 11 g of dried yeast Brewers Friend told me 18 gram.
Triple-X | Stout
For 6 gallons (22.7 L)
7.2 lb (3.26 kg) | English Pale Ale LME (3.5 °L) | 68.9%
1.0 lb (0.45 kg) | Lactose...
Went to pick up my neoprene jacket for the Guten today, looks pretty snazzy. Not sure about the whirlpool arms, don't want to get to extravagant, mortgage repayments plus other outgoings, gonna stick with the paddle for now
Keep am eye out for something like this.
Did anyone from here purchase the 28.4 L Guten Stainless Steel conical fermenter I noticed it was mentioned in earlier posts, just wondered if someone could put a picture up.
I have the new fermentasaurus which I bought last week, that problem has now been eliminated, I would think the new butterfly valves set up will be available for general sale.
Agree with Lionman, I got sold on the Guten after reading this thread, it was a 2 horse race, Guten or GF, certainly going to make my brewing life easier.