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  1. devoutharpist

    Wyeast Brewman Pre-orders

    Hey Brewman what is your process for sending liquid yeast interstate? Couple of icepacks? Cheers
  2. devoutharpist

    Yeast Farming

    Going to have my first crack at harvesting some yeast off a brew. What sort of brews does everyone harvest from? From what i understand, you want low gravity (under 1.050 or is that even too much?) and something that isn't hoppy? I am planning to do a best/strong bitter to build up some stocks...
  3. devoutharpist

    Let's see your fermentation chambers!

    thread necromancy for this question, those of you that haven't drilled into your fridge to pass the wiring through... did you make any incision in the seal, or does the door just close over it okay?
  4. devoutharpist

    The NEIPA thread

    I've been using Beerbelly since Brew Adelaide slowed down operations, definitely keen to give ibrew a go for my grains next as they look pretty well priced. Haven't been able to brew for the last month or so, but planning to do an ESB or similar next with the main goal to harvest some Conan or...
  5. devoutharpist

    The NEIPA thread

    Heads up any other SA brewers. Just saw that ibrewSA have some of the elusive honey malt in stock.
  6. devoutharpist

    Keg King Conversation

    I will shoulder the blame for this misdirection. I was asking KK for info on a false bottom etc solution for the Guten
  7. devoutharpist

    Keg King Conversation

    So the one part i can't quite work out on your setup in the other thread is the long vertical piece? Could you please enlighten the ignorant?
  8. devoutharpist

    Keg King Conversation

    Okay this is pretty impressive, i'm gonna have to go back and look over your previous posts about it to get an idea about what has been built here haha.
  9. devoutharpist

    Keg King Conversation

    this makes FreeBSD's post history very interesting, glad i saw that post before the edit. i haven't bitten on any of the drama yet, but that one was too amusing to let go. my own edit: looks like you can still see it in the quoted post ha
  10. devoutharpist

    Keg King Conversation

    Interesting, i could go down this route. However i feel like a purpose built false bottom or similar from KK would be ideal, if they could perhaps confirm that there is nothing like this in the pipeline, then i may need to bite the bullet
  11. devoutharpist

    Keg King Conversation

    Just bumping this one for a bit of visibility
  12. devoutharpist


    Quoted mainly for "cone of shame". This might be the way i try next, but i'll just sacrifice a couple of L as i don't have a helix. What are people using to extend the pump intake? (in this case the 80mm from bottom)
  13. devoutharpist

    Keg King Conversation

    Anything on the horizon for a Guten false bottom, or better filter?
  14. devoutharpist

    Keg King kegerator series 4

    It is, and thank you. I had a suspicion that might be the case, but am also interested if anyone has an anecdotal evidence from their own use.
  15. devoutharpist

    Keg King kegerator series 4

    Is that what we have become? Legitimate question goes unanswered because everyone is too busy complaining and fighting some battle no one cares about o_O
  16. devoutharpist

    Keg King kegerator series 4

    I've got series 4 atm and it has been working pretty well, albeit a little noisy at times when it throttles up. Thinking of moving it out the the (un-insulated, etc) shed soon though, how do these perform in more extreme climates? During a classic Adelaide heatwave i think the shed might get...
  17. devoutharpist

    The NEIPA thread

    just came across this via /r/homebrewing Some interesting stuff and i always like reading about other people's process, dunno if i am really a fan of no bittering additions in the boil (this dude just gets it to the boil to sanitise...
  18. devoutharpist


    pretty sure that circuit has a 16a breaker
  19. devoutharpist


    Ah yes sorry i should have framed that more theoretically. Theoretically i am using mine on a 10a currently, but am considering getting a 15a point moved to my brewing area when i get some other electrical work done.
  20. devoutharpist


    Firstly, i am also very interested in an improved filter for the Guten. Secondly, how many people are running their 50L on a 10a powerpoint?