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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. K

    Ideas For Mounting Co2 Fire Ext Upside Down.

    Why the brackets? The extinguisher is metal right? Just drill a hole in it and mount that sucker like a photo frame!
  2. K

    Recent Poor Head/retention In Dark Ales. Wtf

    Have you tried any with the L/kg only, or the temperature steps only, to see if it was one or the other causing you grief? Or have you done both new things each time?
  3. K

    Keg Setup $375

    Surely the veggie crisper comes out? Why is that still there?
  4. K

    Muntons Malts

    Hmmm. No replies. But I was going to ask the same question. Pretty sure it's the same lhbs. Some differences in naming, such as Mild ale malt having the same specs as Vienna. But the owner knows this and can help with recipes etc. Anyone had good out bad experiences with it? My Munich based...
  5. K

    Larger Brewing In The Garage, Unstable Temps.

    After it's come down to temp of course. My laundry is the same at the moment. Lager yeast is chillin in its hood at 10degC.
  6. K

    Fermenting Mandarin?

    I didn't read the op as meaning water purifying type Mandarin drink. Maybe try a Mandarin wine? My parents property has a few trees that get overloaded every winter. Been meaning to try something myself one winter. Our try some if the wine...
  7. K

    Munich Dunkel

    Danke shon Emnpaul. Dunklerbock it will be named. Might keep it to about 1070 og as well, rather than water it down to 1065
  8. K

    Munich Dunkel

    I made a Bock today. 95% Munich, 5% Choc. Hallertau to 29ibu bittering only. Was a bit too much choc looking at the colour now. Dark Bock?
  9. K

    Casella Family Take On Australian Brewing

    Saw the Arvo Lager in Woolworths liquor. "Arvo, the perfect Australian lager"... PASS.
  10. K

    Potential Daft Idea - Brewing Eisbock With Dryice...

    The closer it stays to zero, the more water will freeze without the rest of it freezing.
  11. K

    Treatise Against Balance Of Flavours

    Bum nailed it. It's people talking about balance as though there are specific ratios of elements that create a perfect beer. BU:GU ratios and the like. I think using the word balance to describe accurately hitting a style is a misnomer too. I'm off to work listening to the silence of two...
  12. K

    Treatise Against Balance Of Flavours

    (Ok, so maybe more post-it note length than a treatise). All the talk I read of balance in flavours, anyone would think there are malt and hop police cruising around taking measurements. I don't drink beer for balance. It is not even a desirable characteristic in every beer for me. A balanced...
  13. K

    Beginner Grain Combos

    Oh well. Seems they already exist with Mark and Nige's stores for starters. @nick I like making up a recipe, and I use software to calculate everything, I even enjoy brewing a leftovers recipe to use up excess stuff. But I also think beginners appreciate simplifying a fw steps to begin with...
  14. K

    Beginner Grain Combos

    Just a thought I had when I was first ordering grain from G&G last year [only just remembered it... lol] I don't have a grain mill, and I thought it was great that all my pre-crushed grains (for a dark ale) were conveniently packed in a single bag that I could just cut open and mash. I think...
  15. K

    Eoi Large Kegerator Setup (all New)

    Swap you an espresso machine... (This model (but obviously not this machine);productid=511 ) :/ Only half-joking. Edit: Whoops. Just saw you're moving interstate. Guessing you want to get rid of things, not swap them.
  16. K

    The Dangers Of Eyeballing A Recipe

    My point exactly. More eloquently put. Cheers.
  17. K

    The Dangers Of Eyeballing A Recipe

    Chefs don't need recipes unless they want repeatability. Good job.
  18. K

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Pint of pale at the little creatures dining hall. Still burping up hop flowers.
  19. K

    Beer Labels And Logos

    Tried the labelizer website. Got a nice one to use on my latest batch. But no golden thread I can carry through repeat batches.
  20. K

    Who's Cold Tonight?

    Lol. First thing I thought was co2. Oh noz.