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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Coodgee

    What are you Brewing - 2018

    double brew day today. slight variation on the house pale ale and an IPA to give Pratty1 a boner. APA Amt Name Type # %/IBU 9.00 g Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash 60.0 mins Water Agent 1 -...
  2. Coodgee

    Centennial or Victoria.

    started at 11? Posted Today at 11:15 AM
  3. Coodgee

    Emu export Recipe

    I would say use the s-189 at 16 degrees don't you think? That's how the commercial lagers are brewed I thought? And I would have thought use can sugar instead of dextrose. And maybe 10 grams of roasted barley for colour. Not that I have ever tried before, but been reading these forums for a long...
  4. Coodgee

    All Grain Honey Beer?

    I did this honey lager recently, it turned out very nicely. Very distinct honey aroma, quite strong for the first month but it fades in time a bit. For a light lager style beer you really want the lightest, most delicately flavoured honey only - something like a blue gum honey. For the dark...
  5. Coodgee

    Tilt hydrometer

    actually I have one that I never use. I'm in QLD. What are you offering?
  6. Coodgee

    Why 3.8ABV%?

    lots of calculators here that you might find useful
  7. Coodgee

    Why 3.8ABV%?

    no I can type like a mofo, it's the brain that is slow :)
  8. Coodgee

    Why 3.8ABV%?

    So, to calculate the amount of alcohol in your beer, the equation is [(starting gravity - final gravity) / final gravity] * 133% There are two factors you can influence here, obviously, the starting gravity and the finishing gravity. To get more alcohol you can start with a higher gravity...
  9. Coodgee

    Hi everyone ...

    we were on our way out to Cunningham's gap when she came in for landing at Amberley. Flew right over the highway almost right above us. Impressive sight. Quinny, if you like VB then brewing lager might be your go. You need a fridge for that. But if you can't be arsed we are coming into winter...
  10. Coodgee

    Pimping a Fresh Wort (All Inn's Mutiny Red IPA)

    Use 1.5 cubes of fresh wort? Or do a double batch with 3?
  11. Coodgee

    NOOB question RE Bottling/Fermenting

    All good advice from hairydog above. Just in case you don't realise, a lot of kit brews instruct brewers to keep their fermenting beer at or above 25 degrees or something like that. That advice is not for the best tasting beer, it just means you are most likely to make something that will get...
  12. Coodgee

    Possible cheaper alternative to Star San?

    is it called stellarsan? seems to be a keg king knock off. the cap fell apart for me too.
  13. Coodgee

    Possible cheaper alternative to Star San?

    Yes. Because people have been using starsan for many years, it is an easy, cheap and effective sanitiser and there are no noticeable negative benefits to the beers produced by equipment sanitised by starsan.
  14. Coodgee


    what suburb are you in? Northside there is hoppy days, out east you have craftbrewer and at cannon hill there is cannon hill brewing. Those are the only 3 I use. all 3 have a physical shop.
  15. Coodgee


    must be bad if you're resorting to brewers choice!
  16. Coodgee

    Looking for Balance in Vienna Galaxy SMaSH

    Mark, honest question, why does vienna add so much more body to a beer? from the Wyerman specs sheet, it's just a regular kilned malt at 6-9 EBC, which is within the range of some ale malts. I did a honey lager recently which was 80% vienna, 10% munich and 10% honey and it was very smooth and...
  17. Coodgee


    yeah mate you're probably just stirring up the sediment in the bottom of the bottle. Pour it gently and leave the last couple of centimetres worth of beer in the bottle.
  18. Coodgee


    When I bought my KK kegerator a few years ago, a home brew shop here said they wouldn't sell them with the taps they came with because they were inferior quality. So that might be true, but it was a way for them to make some margin on the taps and font etc. and then all the other bits like line...
  19. Coodgee

    What are you Brewing - 2018

    ^That's a west coas ipa alright!
  20. Coodgee

    Dry hopping opinions

    Any 50g+ combo of citra simcoe or Ella will turn it into a hoppy American pale ale.