I brewed an amber and pale ale yesterday. Both look same color in the cube but i know the end product will be vastly diff.
Dont stress, just ferment it
Cant speak from experience as have never had a commercial keg, but my initial thought is the keg is carbed with the expectation of long commercial lines ie carbed higher than our usual set ups.
You need to add resistance to the pour ie longer line or flow control tap.
Yes, and would be an improvement albeit the coopers kit yeast isnt what you'd call a great yeast.
In fact the best use of those yeast packs imo is thrown into the boil as a nutrient.
But youll get to that when you progress off kits
Grolsch bottles and some random others.
Could be 80 odd. Im not counting.
Clean, just externally dusty.
Not impartial to receiving some of the fine brews of the recipient [emoji16]
Pick cranbourne nth.
keg king havent stocked their sanitizer for 6 months or so now. Id say kee took the supplier with him to keg land as they have it on their online store
My $0.02. So its an ipa, my general rule is aim for 50% of the ibu's from early additions.
Galaxy as fwh is a waste, Columbus however is great as fwh imo.
Your dry hopping at 2.5g/l is pale ale levels not ipa. Look at 4-5g/l