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  1. buckerooni

    marris otter low colour with simcoe / apollo

    thanks Dan. the short boil was a school night brewing thing, ended up going longer :) for shorter boils I always do a starch conversion test. your message came in after I had whirlpooled, but will split the hops 50/50 for the dry hop. thanks, probably should have put a little bit of wheat in...
  2. buckerooni

    marris otter low colour with simcoe / apollo

    looking to give this bag of marris otter low color a go with some hops I haven't tried yet but have on hand. the idea is to get the most out of the low color but malt flavor by mashing high, and getting a balance of the two hops. I've got 100g of simcoe but 300g of apollo to work with for a...
  3. Simcoeslap


    recipe using marris otter low colour with simcoe and apollo hops
  4. buckerooni

    Nitro Beer Gas - Non Rental

    sorry to hijack but I bought this bottle off a bloke on gumtree a few years back, he said there was no problems getting a refill. but does anyone know by looking at this bottle if that's the case? There's a few pics in my gallery
  5. buckerooni

    Westgate Brewers Stout Extravaganza 2018

    Merri Mashers Reprazentin! Congrats guys!
  6. buckerooni

    Best way to add choc and coffee to stout

    interesting, so the cold steeped coffee liquid is added via the priming solution only? or is some of the liquid/beans dumped into the fermenter at some stage?
  7. buckerooni

    What are you listening to

    astonishing. cocaine's a hell of a drug!
  8. buckerooni

    Dumping yeast from a conical (modded fermantasaurus)

    thanks Punt, I'm doing a very similar thing, I dumped at a few different pressures. Won't know until a transfer how much trub is left in there. still, it's been good process so far.
  9. buckerooni

    Fermentasaurus - dry hopping under pressure

    OK, tried the hop tea with aeropress + carb cap idea. bit of a PITA because the aeropress only holds about 200ml, there's few vessels involved, takes a bit of time and a bit messy. I really have to do a side-by-side to see the difference (if any) between this and a french press. 1. make hop...
  10. buckerooni

    fitting for reg to disposable 02 bottle?

    that's awesome! I've got a 10+ kg bottle so this is fantastic!
  11. buckerooni

    14yr old coopers kit!!

    judging by the smiles, you can't go wrong with this one.
  12. buckerooni

    Fermentasaurus - dry hopping under pressure

    gonna use the aeropress to seperate the juice from the hop matter to help mitigate this problem. The aeropress uses a paper filter (metal filter may work better) so will be a pretty debris free tea.
  13. buckerooni

    Dumping yeast from a conical (modded fermantasaurus)

    So I'm planning to dump the trub/yeast in a few days from my modded fermentasaurus ( thanks Punt!), having a look at people dumping yeast from other systems on youtube (brewtech conicals) they dump straight into an open...
  14. buckerooni

    Modding the FERMENTASAURUS

    thanks Punt, can fit this in a 450L fridge :)
  15. buckerooni

    Reducing the Fermentasauras stand height

    bulldog clips added! what I like about this is the height can be adjusted depending on the fridge.
  16. modded fermentasaurus

    modded fermentasaurus

    reduced height fit in a 451L bosch and the tri clover setup thanks to
  17. modded fermentasaurus

    modded fermentasaurus

    cut down legs with 5mm wire clamps
  18. fermentasaurus


  19. buckerooni

    Fermentasaurus - dry hopping under pressure

    the other thread mentions a hop tea approach [ ] I am thinking about making a hop tea, putting it in a 1.25L PET bottle and purge/pressurising it with CO2 above whatever the internal pressure of the...