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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Adr_0

    Crystal vs. Cara malts

    Are you specifically talking about Joe White caramalt?
  2. Adr_0

    Making candi syrup?

    Note that Martin from National Homebrew stocks the CSI syrups. I'm personally not that convinced by the Simplicity* but their Golden and D90 are exquisite. I can only assume similar amounts of deliciousness with D45 and D180. *cane sugar, Citric acid and alanine baked in the oven at 90°C for...
  3. Adr_0

    Foam On Beer

    Hi Mark, how did everything go with the demo?
  4. Adr_0

    Another disappointing beer.

    Could the champagne-like bite be chlorophenol? Do you dechlorinate your water? Although the amount in a beer doesn't necessarily increase over time it can be perceived as worse as a beer ages - and some of the other flavours/aromas mellow out. As Lionman suggested, 1/2 a crushed Campden...
  5. Adr_0

    Dry yeast less tolerant of temperature swings/heating?

    I'm pretty sure I know the answer to this question, but I'll ask anyway. I've just (deliberately) grabbed a single pack of dry yeast for a beer next week. Although it technically undoes some of the convenience, there are no issues with building up cell count in a starter are there? Should I...
  6. Adr_0

    BIAB Weissbier (more banana, light colour)

    Yeah I was going to say, your banana will fade so consider this. If you're going to drink every bottle within the first month then perhaps knock the banana back, but past that it will come into balance and be quite nice past that.
  7. Adr_0

    BIAB Weissbier (more banana, light colour)

    Geez, that's a lot of recipes. Caramunich is basically a crystal malt though is not a standard off the shelf crystal. Still, IMO it will impart too much sweetness. The national homebrew club grain bill is the closest to Schneider Weisse as I understand. Quoting from Stan Heironymous' wheat...
  8. Adr_0

    BIAB Weissbier (more banana, light colour)

    I would think that if one bottle had a great taste and full(ish) body, and this one has a lot of flavour stripped out and is sour then this bottle is infected. I'm against - like most of the crowd - putting crystal in a wheat beer because you really don't want any sweetness, which will leap out...
  9. Adr_0

    The emails are getting through.

    If n87 would just take his headphones off, he'd know that the emails had been getting through... ...and we'd all be a lot happier...
  10. Adr_0

    What are your ways to split up your brew day/s?

    I should correct this to changes in SMM vs DMS, and include the periods where it's boiling and where it's not. Very interesting, but still the same point that SMM->DMS is the limiting reaction: So during the boiling stages there is significant reduction in DMS, significantly less than the...
  11. Adr_0

    What are your ways to split up your brew day/s?

    Table IV in this study is interesting as it puts the SMM and DMS in ug/L terms, rather than 'equivalence'. Straight away, SMM is 164g/mole and DMS is 64g/mol so conversion of 1 SMM mole will result in DMS being 0.4x the ug/L of the SMM. During the boiling stages the DMS level is much lower...
  12. Adr_0

    What are your ways to split up your brew day/s?

    This study doesn't really say much more, except the obvious high temperature = faster breakdown of SMM to DMS: It also backs up a ~30min half life of SMM at 98.5°C. It's quite possible that you can exceed 100°C in the lower areas of your...
  13. Adr_0

    What are your ways to split up your brew day/s?

    Not sure what kind of control you have available but you could easily fill up HLT, dechlorinate and set to maintain strike temperature and also crack grain into a bucket w/ lid the day/night before. And yeah as others have suggested, you can always get a bit of programming into your system, so...
  14. Adr_0

    Foam On Beer

    I had a quick query from up here - does skimming from the boil negatively or positively impact foam retention or texture? Some malts (e.g. German) produce a massive amount of hot break and foam on the boil, so I imagine the positive/negative effect would be more pronounced with these malts.
  15. Adr_0

    Husky's 2.5BBL Collaboration Brewery Build - 3V 300L

    Yeah at homebrew scale I haven't really seen any that are appropriate - but you are 100% correct. It also provides better pump stability. Given Husky already has the PLC that's great, but I think even a small 3/4" control valve will be at least $1000-1500. Of course homebrewers are...
  16. Adr_0

    Husky's 2.5BBL Collaboration Brewery Build - 3V 300L

    Oh... ok. :( Curious what your thoughts were on trub removal - I think the 30mm high rings would be good and should hopefully not disturb the whirlpool too much, but they will a little. Perforated mesh could even be used, then a final solid sheet weir if the bottom is sloped would be great -...
  17. Adr_0

    Hallertau Mittelfruh @ 2.6% AA?

    Halletau MF is a great hop, don't dis it... Using your recipe calculator, consider adding the 0.5kg of LME do a 5-10L pot and the bittering hops into this and boil it for 30-60min, then chuck in what you have left over once you take it off the heat. Mix everything else in, and...
  18. Adr_0

    Husky's 2.5BBL Collaboration Brewery Build - 3V 300L

    I think most of these have a diac-triac setup which needs a potentiometer/resistance adjustment over AC which may be hard with a controller. I believe DIAC's typically have a 30-35V bias before it will let current through to the TRIAC which will then conduct AC through the motor. The...
  19. Adr_0

    Husky's 2.5BBL Collaboration Brewery Build - 3V 300L

    Regarding the chiller, are you confident you could filter the boiled wort well enough and pump through a plate chiller or would you use gravity? You might want to consider an SS immersion chiller with a motorbike radiator/fan on the liquid side... or glycol. The post-boil volume would need to...