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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. S

    New to this forum, hoping to learn more about no-chill

    Also, if you search the forum there is already a lot of info. Here is a thread to get you started. Hot Cubing Hoppy Beers
  2. S

    King Keg

    There were a few that had crazy notions about priming and carbonating in plastic cubes yet quite happy to prime and carbonate in glass bottles which of course can blow up and cause injury. But yes there was the one guy that really got his knickers in a twist about it. Actually got quite abusive...
  3. S

    King Keg

    I think you have misunderstood what I am saying WEAL. What I am saying is these should appeal to homebrewers that don’t have or want to buy a lot of equipment. All you would need is a bucket to ferment in and one of these kegs to serve homebrew keg beer at home. So easier than bottling, just...
  4. S

    King Keg

    Ah ok. I thought you were pressure fermenting. But why do you say “If I was to carbonate the beer I would have to add the sugar to the fermenter”? Is there any reason you couldn’t add sugar to the keg? That was the point I was making, that these would be great if you don’t have co2 as you could...
  5. S

    King Keg

    I would have thought they would be very appealing to home brewers especially casual brewers that don’t brew a lot and don’t want or need a keg setup. I see you are filling yours carbonated from a pressure fermenter with O2 free transfer but is there any reason they couldn’t be filled and primed...
  6. S

    King Keg

    I brought my pressure barrels from the UK when I moved here but they were a bit old, the seals and taps were leaking and I couldn’t get spares here so used no chill cubes as casks instead. There was an old thread on here about it at the time. The whole idea caused a bit of an upset at the time...
  7. S

    King Keg

    The name may cause confusion if these are to be sold in the UK? King Keg is also a leading homebrew pressure barrel in the Uk and have been for many years. They were one of, if not the first to introduce the floating dip tube. Try googling “King Keg UK” King Keg Pressure Barrels Equipment...
  8. S

    Bia Hoi

    Yep same here. I have never considered brewing Bia Hoi but for sure I would love to go back to Vietnam and drink it again in its natural setting. I just remember the river of humanity pass by on some street in Hanoi, but then again it may have been Hue, it was so long ago that I can’t remember...
  9. S

    Bia Hoi

    I have never heard that one before, but what I was told at the time and would make more sense is that it is transferred to casks or even buckets when it is ready and sent out the same day for consumption. I believe street vendors go to the brewery with their own container to be filled and they...
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    Bia Hoi

    I had a similar Bia Hoi experience in Hanoi around 1995 or 96 but it was a young lady in her teens. She was sitting on a step with a cask behind her and siphoned the beer from the cask. She used her finger to stop the flow when the glass was full before moving to the next glass. Between serving...
  11. S


    Don’t panic, WEAL will return. Account suspended is not a ban. Just time out in the naughty corner I believe? Strange that philrob as moderator was not aware he had been suspended though, are you sure he was suspended from this forum?
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    I don’t think I was missing the point WEAL. I was commenting on what you said above: ”but none of the forum members who were here to give the advice which was abundant just a few years ago” I doubt that has any impact on the decline in forum traffic. There are still plenty forum member giving...
  13. S


    There are plenty forum member still giving advice WEAL. Do you see many questions go unanswered on here? There are new members but I think they find most of what they need to know is already covered on here and elsewhere these days. I would bet most new brewers find all they need to know...
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    Inkbird Error

    No it couldn’t be reset. Inkbird got back to me and as mine was just outside the warranty they told me to buy another one. Is your within warranty?
  15. S

    Carbonation for Guinness-style brew (bottle conditioned)

    That looks as near, if not 100% perfection! I recall my grandfather telling me over a few pints in Wexford Ireland that in his day Guinness was sent out to all the pubs in casks and the publicans did the bottling on site. If that tastes as good as it looks I would bet that if you bottled it...
  16. S

    Rats eating the grain

    That is completely wrong Grmblz. Fenn traps will catch countless rats as they are set in tunnels unbaited so rats are not as suspicious of them as they are with baited traps. The rat’s preference to use tunnels as cover to move about rather than stay out in the open is their undoing. The op was...
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    Rats eating the grain

    For anyone unfamiliar with Fenn traps just Googled this random vid to give you an idea.
  18. S

    Rats eating the grain

    I see your location is Croydon so guessing Croydon UK? I have used Fenns in the UK and they are extremely effective and humane set in tunnels. But I believe they are illegal everywhere here AU probably due to incidental catch of snakes and lizards etc.
  19. S

    Straining Hops

    I have strained hops years ago when using flowers but have never tried with pellets. I guess you could use anything that strains most of the hops out, it wouldn’t really matter if some gets into the fermenter as it would settle to the bottom same as dry hopping the fermenter.
  20. S

    Immersion Chiller from Kegland

    My preference is a counter flow coil. They are no more difficult to clean than an immersion, I would say easier infact. Instead of hosing down you just connect the hose and run water though instead. If you have a pump you can easily re-circulate boiling wort back to the kettle which cleans and...