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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. QldKev

    Chilling wort in swimming pool

    i converted it from no-chill to slow-chill
  2. QldKev

    Toowoomba, help jump start needed

    Quick help needed. my wife is in Toowoomba and has left head lights on. Jump start needed, but she does not have cables in car :) any local brewers can help out with a quick jump start. Any brewers in area?
  3. QldKev

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    Check out rolloutthebarrel. for about $50 more you can get one guaranteed fresh and just out of service.
  4. QldKev

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    My rant for the day, Got home and a letter from my Telco/internet provider states they have decided to start donating my money (this is an additional billable amount) to charities, unless I opt out. Good one Commander, I though I was paying a premium for a decent Telco. For the record I do pay...
  5. QldKev

    GIVEAWAY AGAIN INKBIRD IBT-2X cooking digital thermometer

    Woohoo, I am the winner of this beauty
  6. QldKev

    Feral Sly Dog Session Ale - $13 a six pack

    Yep got the email in Qld too,. Def a decent drop
  7. QldKev

    Pauline Hanson to launch craft brew

    please explain...
  8. QldKev

    Another STC-1000 question

    You could use the stc to trigger 2 external relays, but 2 stc is prob easier
  9. QldKev

    QldKev's New Biab With Internal Rims

    I think there are several things going on when we mash in. The less viscous starch chains, the swelling of the grains as they take on water, and as the grain bed settles into a grain bed that allows water/wort flow through out of it to act as a filter bed to clarify the wort and not getting...
  10. QldKev

    QldKev's New Biab With Internal Rims

    I think the major issue is trying to recirc too fast too early. You really need to set the grain bed slowly and increase the flow as the bed stabilises. Most brewers are running the Kaixin mp-15, I'm running the mp-20 (biggger pump) and can flow very fast once the bed is stabilised correctly.
  11. QldKev

    A Beer Accompaniment

    I've been doing it for many years and nearly always a batch on hand, no food poisoning. I have had to throw a couple of batches away. Back when I was using some of the commercial sauces and the non-heat dryer I got mold on 2 the batches. I'm guessing a combination of the sauces having a...
  12. QldKev

    Fridge or Freezer damage from external Thermostat, Heating & Cooli

    I'd be checking things out. My old Kelvinator is still running from 2006 on this bulk buy for controllers. I would try and bypass the controller and see what the fridge does, I'm guess 14c sounds more like a defrost timer or defrost thermostat on the fridge itself
  13. QldKev

    QldKev's 3V up for grabs

    Thanks, a few beers to decide to part with her and many in the build. It's a system I constantly hit 85% pre-boil eff. I should try and do a spreadsheet of the cost, but in the control panel there is $1K alone. I didn;t want cheap ebay type RCDs to protect me.
  14. QldKev

    QldKev's 3V up for grabs

    Between brewing at work, on my 1V and with a mate on his brewery, I've not brewed on my 3V during 2016. It's time to let someone else love it. 3V with internal RIMS plus HERMS This is the...
  15. QldKev

    Beef jerky in a dehydrator - how to cure
  16. QldKev

    Cheap pH meter

    I had one, worked great for a dozen or so brews. Buy like most ebay **** died.
  17. QldKev

    Sodium percarbonate

    I thought in the coffee world (Breville, The Oracle user) the main active cleaner as Sodium carbonate, then Sodium percarbonate later. But I guess any cleaning is better than no cleaning. You should be able to get cafetto s15 pretty cheap. Read this for a decent spread of active ingredients, a...
  18. QldKev

    Little Creatures Dog Days Is Back!

    Had a taste of this tonight. Mild malt backbone, then the hops kicks in. Reminds me of what SNPA was a few years back. Only diff in this one I get a hit of Citra, followed by a huge hit of Hallatau/Hersbrucker or is it Mt Hood? Overall a great drop, pity it is dropped to 4.4% to save alco tax.