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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. droid

    Vic 2017 Xmas Case Swap - Tasting Thread

    @MartinOC thanks, still have a keg and a half of the wit here to get through the recipe is on the previous page bud, cheers
  2. droid

    My Pirate Life Throwback IPA clone

    this popped up for me via that link... Aussie Home Brewer - Error The controller XenForo_ControllerPublic_Thread does not define an action called PirateLifeThrowbackCloneSessionIpa.
  3. droid

    Whats In The Glass

    Still pushing my personal boundaries in regards to Session IPA's. This sucker is somewhere around 60ibu @1.040OG finishing around 1.008 In 80ltrs there was 200gms of hops at Flame Out and 200g going into each keg, no brew-brite or finings in the house so yeah, she won't clear up. US05. Nice...
  4. droid

    The birth of a commercial brewery

    congrats, it must feel amazing! where will you be brewing at? whilst I am a home brewer I certainly appreciate any info that can be shared - so TIA !
  5. droid

    12.5% uncarbed in bottle

    are your bottles plastic? I have some RIS from 2years ago and kegged most of it but had a few left over that didn't carbonate. If you have yours in plastic bottles (and have access to c02) you can screw on a carb filler thingy and carb up as you want one
  6. droid

    Too much 20min hops

    I have a similar stat beer right now - depends on your mash temp and grains too but mine was 1041 and 1008 with 3.5% cara - the rest wheat and pils at 66C 62ibu all calculated as a 20minute but added 5 mins before flame out and let sit for another hour - BF said 62IBU based on the utilisation %...
  7. droid

    Sealing electric heating elements

    that stainless jobbie looks the go.. is that 2C+E orange circ (as in underground, it looks stiff and not like flex) ) or flex, what mm is it? how did you work out what cable to get? there are small stainless boxes/enclosures available there is gel available that is used for wet areas and to...
  8. droid

    How Much Did You Brew In 2017

    gonna go with 500 tho really not sure
  9. droid

    Do you have a beard? (poll)

    ^you're in the ZZ Top category - a different league altogether
  10. droid

    Do you have a beard? (poll)

    to be clear...
  11. droid

    Do you have a beard? (poll)

    I've voted no but maybe should have been yes, normally have a foo-man-choo which is really just a mou with side bits terminating at the jaw-line but nothing hanging from the chin.... I always thought of a beard as hair around the jaw-line but importantly the chin. If you had a full beard then...
  12. droid

    Carbonation advice

    Bumping it to 20 sounds ok to me but I'd check it every 4 hours if poss, which when sleeping would be a PITA..maybe when you go to bed, purge and set to 14 then when you get up test and ramp back up - 40 psi could be risky but if that's how you roll...
  13. droid

    Whats In The Glass

    I used my Mother-In-Laws stockings, I find they work the more hops in the Kegmenter for least for now soooo transferred to Kegmenter directly after chilling from the kettle last Sunday (brewday). With pressure equilibrium maybe yesterday @ around 13psi I transferred to...
  14. droid

    Whats In The Glass

    50 gms Citra 50 gms Nelson Sauvin 100gms Riwaka just gone into a hop sock and into a purged 19ltr keg before tranferring from a Pressure Fermented Sess IPA (80ltrs ~ which was added just before flame out and Whirlpooled with 100gms of Cascade and 100gms Chinook) should be enjoying this time...
  15. droid


    I fell asleep for a nano-second whilst leaning on the kettle as it was transferring to FV's - could've made a mess of the trub in the kettle with the sudden jolt back to cogmentus. I was holding a torch to watch the trub cone appear too - dodged a bullet there I reckon foa shoa
  16. droid

    Fermenting Under Pressure

    would FUP create a warmer ferment? with little release/escape and all that activity....
  17. droid

    WTB / Help finding Cognac Barrel plz

    coolio thanks for that, also found these guys
  18. droid

    WTB / Help finding Cognac Barrel plz

    Hi all, Does anyone know where I could find an x-cognac barrel that's fresh?