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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. droid

    Gas-Fired HEX

    I bought 3 jet burners but they don't have enough punch for the 200ltr barrels. One might be good for this application though and comes with a 4mtr gas line. I am about to list them for sale. Madhu would you like to try one? it can be given to the cause no problemo. My system works well at 4:1...
  2. droid

    Fermenting Under Pressure

    it's a bit of a game-changer doing pressure ferments, can't wait till the weekend to try your technique, cheers
  3. droid

    Fermenting Under Pressure

    beautiful - thanks, I'll hose clamp it
  4. droid

    Comment by 'droid' in media 'Bubble & Squeak'

    Interesting it states: An overloaded of late hops... think that should be overloaded with late hops or an overload of late hops
  5. droid

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    I could watch Daisy Ridley play Rey all day - simple motives for a simple man I guess and as you know I have a few Roos loose in the top paddock
  6. droid

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Had two weeks holidays, going back to work tomorrow dropped a tailshaft in the first week of hols ...$2k to replace The next day I fell off my scooter (the skatepark variety) and sprained my right hand/thumb and a massive corky on the left thigh as I landed on the side of the scooter. Smacked...
  7. droid

    Fermenting Under Pressure

    I'm going to get a tab welded onto the underside of my kegmenter lids, something like the tabs the newer KK 19ltr kegs have for hop socks etc...then do a pressure ferment with a bunch of hops inside in a stocking. Then transfer to another serving keg that's purged and has another hop sock in it...
  8. droid

    Melbourne 2018 Glassware BB

    have to get someone to check the Timothy Taylor, Founders and the Oskar Blues as I'm not 100% sure, hope this helps
  9. droid

    Has mash ph been an improvement for you?

    I'd imagine anyone wanting to drop their sparge water pH would start by knowing what that initial pH is. So measuring water pH has it's place.
  10. droid

    Herms for beginners

    ^it used a lot of brain cells...which is always a concern - glad it helped you Russ'
  11. droid

    Herms for beginners

    If you can run your sparge water through the HERMS you'll have no such problemo, it works for me.
  12. droid

    Herms for beginners

    well, based on your photos my response was a complete waste of time - hopefully someone will benefit from it MJ what is this setting of the grainbed you speak of? I mash in cold and do not do any slower flow rate than what the recirc will be set at for the duration
  13. droid

    Herms for beginners

    Imagine you're watering the lawn and someone lifts up the hose and plonks some of it it in a lit fire. You will notice the temp coming out of the hose has increased. If you slow down the flow rate the temp will increase. If you coiled the hose into the fire a few times the temp will increase If...
  14. droid

    6 O’CLOCK Brews - Home Brewing More Old Australian Beers

    One thing that strikes me about you @Bribie G is your ability to recall all this stuff, especially when you'd been drinking.
  15. droid

    What are you Brewing - 2018

    Amt Name Type # %/IBU 23.00 l Brisbane Water 1 - 1.00 tsp Calcium Chloride (Mash 60.0 mins) Water Agent 2 - 1.00 tsp Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash 60.0 mins Water Agent 3 - 2.20 kg Pale Malt, Maris Otter (Thomas Fawcett) Grain 4 48.6 % 1.00 kg Munich II (Weyermann) (22.0 EBC) Grain 5 22.1...
  16. droid

    Assistance needed with using Motueka and Sorachi Ace Hops for the first time

    I'll spray the bread board with star-san, then do the, er zesting and juicing. Adding the strained juice direct to the keg and the zest into a hop sock. Only because there will be no time for infection...
  17. droid

    Assistance needed with using Motueka and Sorachi Ace Hops for the first time

    Zest and Juice, 3:1 Orange:Lemon @ kegging stage. I have done extract in a keg but not zesty stuff, it was 20ml Choc:15ml Liqourice. I'd go 3:2 Lime:Lemon at half that dose rate if using extract and then up it from there if needed after a taste but it's all personal choice so hope whatever you...
  18. droid

    Melbourne 2018 Glassware BB

    hey man, hope your're alright - nice to see a post from ya @malt junkie could have a fresh bb spreadsheet
  19. droid

    Assistance needed with using Motueka and Sorachi Ace Hops for the first time

    If you have the ability to split your batch (you could also experiment with hop ratios too) considering you are adding hops at WP you could add actual lemon and lime once split from the batch. The zest will give you a lot of the fruits character. Using those fruit juices/zest will increase your...