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  1. Reg Holt

    Where to buy hop crowns or starters

    You could try Belgrave Brewer, send him a pm.
  2. Reg Holt

    Keg King kegerator series 4

    For some reason I thought you lived in a porta cabin.
  3. Reg Holt


    Me too, the only reason I mentioned Kegerator was to indicate the minimum size needed, doesn't necessarily mean they are cheaper to run either.
  4. Reg Holt


    A flat bottom non-pressurisable fermenter is the most basic and least expensive product to supply to a customer which is why it's at the lowest price bracket. What makes sense is to provide a range of fermenters at different price point and with differing feature set. Some customers don't need...
  5. Reg Holt

    Brewzilla 35L grain going through the pump

    As tramsjoe says it has been covered before about grain being sucked back up the pipe when turning off the pump, grain crush in my Guten is quite fine, small particles go through the system and dumped on the top of the grain bed. I am also stumped as to why you were told to use a bag. Guten or...
  6. Reg Holt


    Either that or fork out another $500 for a FermZilla fridge. Good business strategy.
  7. Reg Holt


    Ah, didn't realise he wanted to stand it on the bottle best idea is fill it with water and see, would only be up for the cost of a new container. Though if it isn't coming with lifting handles now how can it be lifted? This is where the Snubbies have the edge, fits into a small fridge even with...
  8. Reg Holt


    That is what Keg Land recommend. The fermenting fridge will be about $500 but it will still be at least a couple months unti lit's released. without the stand and collection container the FermZilla can fit into a Series 4 and also you can fit the splunding valve and other stuff onto the posts...
  9. Reg Holt

    Robobrew V3 vs Guten

    Whatever you want to believe. If you believe the Brewzilla is superior to the Guten don't let any other ones posts destroy your dream.
  10. Reg Holt

    Robobrew V3 vs Guten

    I never said you were on anyone's payroll, David Heath makes a living making videos, you don't, I agree with what WEAL says, the video makers do not go to the trouble of making a video for the profiteering of another party. As I have stated twice before READ THE POSTS OF THE PUNTERS not what a...
  11. Reg Holt

    Robobrew V3 vs Guten

    I think K The Guten has a 3 year warranty now, point is they both do the same job, since the upgrade of the circuit board and screen of the Brewzilla there is hardly a difference. Still seems to be a lot of insecurity in the Brewzilla camp. Probably from the lack of posts and users in the...
  12. Reg Holt

    Robobrew V3 vs Guten

    At least I admit I am biased. ABG didn't disclose he has a Brewzilla.:)
  13. Reg Holt

    Robobrew V3 vs Guten

    Yes I have 2 Guten and I am biased, of course he is paid, he is never going to admit it it, the best review I read was about the Robobrew 3. An American, he stated that he was given it free of charge to give a review after 7 brews his circuit board **** it self his final sentence was don't buy a...
  14. Reg Holt

    KK - 'Fermentasaurus' conical PET fermenter

    How long do you think WEAL before we can view the new Fermentasaurus without jumper and knickers? I think I have a good idea of the new set up, the built in thermowell gave it away but it would be good to see it. Went through this whole thread again today watched the un boxing of the...
  15. Reg Holt

    Robobrew V3 vs Guten

    Ha ha, anyone who can sit through a David Heath video without falling asleep deserves to get the Brewzilla. Watching any of the payola promotions doesn't help anyone make an informed decision, better off reading the threads of actual users is the best way of making an informed decision.
  16. Reg Holt

    $500 to spend on All Grain set up - WWYD?

    I was 3 v but for me it made more sense to get a SVB I bought a 40 litre Guten second hand, was really impressed so got the 50 litre on special.:) Now I have read there is a 70 litre coming out.:(
  17. Reg Holt

    All About Canning - Cannular Can Seamers and More...

    You will get a fair amount of wastage, what is it that you envisage?
  18. Reg Holt

    Hand Pump non return valve Help?

    Dependent on your hose size, one of these. Aliexpress.
  19. Reg Holt

    All About Canning - Cannular Can Seamers and More...

    What sort of price for the cans and what size?