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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. D

    Adventurous Brewers Wanted

    amateur brewer doing an amateur test. i've split my american wheat batch. just bottled half & leaving other half to secondary ferment for another 7 days before bottling (fisrt & secondary ferments at same temp). we'll see if there is any dramatic diference between them. dunk
  2. D

    Brew Day At Vjval1974's (gold Coast) All Welcome.

    Hey VJ. Duncan here. finally got my arse into gear and regestered for the AHB fourm. the AG wheatbeer you helped me make on saturday (g'day to all the lads i met at VJ'S brew day) is just about ready to bottle i think (quite the opposite of your batch!). SG has held steady for the last day so i...