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  1. S

    Can someone please recommend me a beer?

    only at snobs beer lovers, drinkers and good blokes are fine by me if you are offended by my posts then so you should be :P
  2. S

    Can someone please recommend me a beer?

    On day six of my cooper DIY kit. About to do a hydro test.
  3. S

    Can someone please recommend me a beer?

    Sorry to have an opinion different to yours. Not here to entertain or to troll. Just making my own mind up about the beer situation in this country. Kind of sad really..
  4. S

    Can someone please recommend me a beer?

    sorry beer snobs brew on
  5. S

    Can someone please recommend me a beer?

    the old winos drinking goon on the street are funnier than you sad beer snobs :P
  6. S

    Can someone please recommend me a beer?

    That is one argument but i dont the the conversation when drinking beer should be the beer you are drinking. Drinking is a social lubricant designed for personality, dance, laughter, sex and conversation. Beer is only the conversation when you are with dentists and doctors and accountants or...
  7. S

    Can someone please recommend me a beer?

    maybe so, but 20 years of macro chemicals vs 20 years of homemade grain goodness might pay off after a liver transplant.
  8. S

    Can someone please recommend me a beer?

    yeah, that 3 minute beer snob youtube video has given me a wealth of knowledge on the complexities of beer
  9. S

    Can someone please recommend me a beer?

    yes, all people who cant distinguish buttery diacetyl from passionfruit banana ester are trolls..
  10. S

    Can someone please recommend me a beer?

    It's usually the other way around though. I cant go out these days and order emu export or VB at a bar without some some bartender telling me to go to the bottle shop you cheap bogan drunkard peasant idiot or have a bunch of yuppies look down thier nose at me for drinking crap macro peasant...
  11. S

    Can someone please recommend me a beer?

    Good point. Food snobs with their endless cooking shows on tv are even worse than beer and wine snobs. I dont see why people have to over analyse consumption. Are their lives really that empty and meaningless? To each their own i guess... Fair enough. I guess i made this thread without...
  12. S

    Can someone please recommend me a beer?

    lol This article summed it all up nicely for me: Beer is beer people. Buy it cheap and cold and you're set. If you need beer with a hint of caramel, vanilla and bacon...
  13. S

    Can someone please recommend me a beer?

    Sounds good :) Well i'll keep reading. I might as well go all out and buy a keg system and fridge for fermenting. And thanks Rab, i''l keep an eye out for it. Cheers
  14. S

    Can someone please recommend me a beer?

    Thanks Wavemaker. Yeah, I will stick with it. As for temperature control, my coopers DIY brew is on day three and i have managed to keep it at a constant 21 degrees by sitting it in front of my air conditioner which i run 24/7 in summer. If lagers need lower temps then i will have to invest in...
  15. S

    Can someone please recommend me a beer?

    Oh, and i'm not lying about the super cooled corona. Did some more research, its actually quite common. Leave a beer in the freezer till its almost at freezing point. Pour, instant beer slushy. Makes a nasty corona almost drinkable.
  16. S

    Can someone please recommend me a beer?

    Todays beer review. Guinness Extra Stout. Pours nice and black like a coke with a creamy head on it. Smells like 2c coins steeped in hot water. Tastes like beer then 3 seconds later, mouth full of vegemite. Yuck. What are the irish thinking? Second up, thought i would try a scottish beer...
  17. S

    Can someone please recommend me a beer?

    Sounds like a good plan :) I figured it would be an aquired taste like wine and smoking etc. I never liked rum when i first had it but ended up drinking it by the gallon :P
  18. S

    Can someone please recommend me a beer?

    lol I aint trolling. I do appreciate the advice and this forum is helping me appreciate beer and close in on a staple. As for the other threads, some are mine, 2 werent. I wasnt even trolling on them either. Guess people are just prejudiced against alcoholic stoned pirates which is fair...
  19. S

    Can someone please recommend me a beer?

    Speaking of chilled, i just had a beer that blew my mind. Left it in the freezer for too long. It was still liquid in the bottle. As i poured it into my glass, it turned to ice. Now i have a beer that has a tiny bit of liquid and a hude head of ice. Its like a beer slushy. Quite tasty...