Cascade, Amarillo & Fuggle Hop Bulk Buy ?

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If they didnt have 150% mark up on virtually everything you wouldnt have people trying to save a buck.

I am not against people making a living but the LHBS store prices are generally ridiculous!
Stop posting price lists! We do have guys who own HBS on this forum, is it any wonder they would complain to wholesalers :angry: .

When the homebrewer realises the mark up by home brew shops off course he would rather be in a bulk buy. I think it is a bit over the top but it is their store after all.

And I too have spoken with Bintani and they are not prepared to sell to homebrewers.


Sorry for upsetting you TDA, but, I thought this forum was for Homebrewers, not shop owners. And as this post is under the topic of "Bulk Buys" and there have been a lot of posts asking for price, I thought I would post the list sent to me from Bintani. In my email to Bintani, I made it quite clear that I am organising a bulk buy for "members of the Aussie Home Brewers forum". And Bintani sent me their price list. If they were not prepared to sell to homebrewers, then why send me the price list ??? We can discuss this further via PM if you would like.

You know, I don't remember anyone complaining about the prices being listed for the March Pump bulk buy or the Temperature Controller bulk buy.

Now, has everyone been scared off bulk buys or are there some of you that would like to buy some hops ??? Either post your order or PM me.

Quite frankly its none of a LHBS's business what we do on this forum and its very rude for them to snoop and spy on us.

The ball seems to be finally rolliing on this, though we haven't gotten upto the 5kg on any one Hop as yet.

Hop Type Qty Ordered
Amarillo 1.750kg
Cascade 1.200kg
Centennial 0.200kg
CZ Saaz 1.250kg
EK Golding 0.750kg
GR Hersbrucker
Hallertau mf
Mt Hood
Nth Brewer
Perle 0.500kg
Pride of Ringwood
Simcoe 0.450kg
Spalt Select 0.750kg
Sterling (US Saaz)
Styrian Golding 0.300kg
Tettnang 0.250kg
UK Fuggles 0.250kg

Individual ordering is as follows:

Amarillo, 500 grams
CZ Saaz, 250 grams
EK Golding, 500 grams
Perle , 500 grams
Simcoe, 250 grams
Splat Select, 500 grams
Tettnanger, 250 grams

Amarillo, 1 kilo
Cascade, 1 kilo
CZ Saaz, 1 kilo

Amarillo, 250 grams
EK Golding, 250 grams
Splat Select, 250 grams
UK Fuggles, 250 grams

Cascade, 200 grams
Centennial, 500 grams
Simcoe, 200 grams
Styrian Golding, 300 grams
It might be best to start a new thread Hopeye, just to avoid confusion. Thanks again for getting this off the ground.

Stuster said:
It might be best to start a new thread Hopeye, just to avoid confusion.

I agree, this thread has lost it's way.
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