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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. adraine

    Braumeister advice

    Cheers guys. Anybody got info on good strainers or hop blockers?
  2. adraine

    Braumeister advice

    Hi guys, I'm thinking after a very long layoff I'm going to get back into brewing with a 20l braumeister. Essentially I'm after a bit of advice on which accessories to get with the unit e.g. The hood or themo jacket etc. Any advice at all would be appreciated. Cheers Adam.
  3. adraine

    Next Generation Braumeister

    Any word on the wifi & smartphone control yet?
  4. adraine

    Braumeister vs 3V: pros and cons

    So with all of this talk of OG topping out at around 1.055 my question is if you were to buy a 50l BM and were happy to take a lower yield could you do a higher gravity beer? what are the limitations? Physical capacity?
  5. adraine

    Comment by 'adraine' in media 'IMG 0380'

    WOW....did you get the butcher to prep that for you?
  6. adraine

    Comment by 'adraine' in media 'just out of the oven'

    Hey fort, Ive only had my oven going since xmas. Got the pizza perfect now. Looking to do my first bake (bread) this weekend & have been experimenting with roasts. still got to get the sequences right.
  7. adraine

    Comment by 'adraine' in media 'just out of the oven'

    Any pics of the oven?
  8. adraine

    FS: 20l Braumeister/Kegerator Perth

    Hi adraine, I already have a potential buyer who wants the lot - he's planning to collect this Saturday. If the sale falls through, I'll get the information you're after. Cheers. Cheers mate
  9. adraine

    FS, Adelaide 20l Braumeister, portable setup - Final offer - moving ov

    Any offers on the BM? How much for postage to Newcastle NSW?
  10. adraine

    FS: 20l Braumeister/Kegerator Perth

    Any pics of the BM? And how much for postage to Newcastle NSW?
  11. adraine

    One night in Newcastle

    Nice view, crap beer. The Albion or the Grain Store are the best imo, but the Dockyards & Silo's has some great bottled beer too if you like it near the waterfront (Honeysuckle). Edit: Silo's has a great meal too if the boss is paying...... B)
  12. adraine

    Aldi specials

    Hey guys, Just a quick one to let everyone know that Bar Keepers Friend is on sale at aldi this Saturday (the 7th). It available in both the powder & liquid form for just $6.99. I'll be stocking up. Cheers Rainey
  13. adraine

    50l Braumeister

    Let me start with I don't have a BM.... So take this how ever you want. The only things I know about them is I've done one brew on the 50l one at MHB (cheers mark) Aside from the leaking issue you mentioned I have heard one other report of an individual having intermittent issues with one of...
  14. adraine

    Bayou home brew kettles

    Has anyone had any experience with these kettles They have them on eBay at the moment. I have keggles ATM and was dreaming of uprgrading...
  15. adraine

    The Electric Brewery Build Begins..

    How are you planning to mount it all? Building a frame or have you got a special spot picked out for her?
  16. adraine

    what apps do you use?

    BIABcalc is good for water & strike temp calcs. No timers oranything fancy. I brew with the KISS principle.
  17. adraine

    Beer Drinking - Am I Doing It Right?

    So I've just sat down to dinner with a lovely bottle of Murray's 2 Icon IPA and had a read of the back of the bottle. Now this is explains how there is sediment in the bottom of the bottle and it should always be stored upright and poured gently to get the best out of the beer.So here's where I...
  18. adraine

    Anyone Had A Go At Any Of These?

    I have a bottle from last years batch. But i havnt tried it yet. Was going to let it age a few years first. Dont know if i should bother though. From all report on here it wasnt that stary. :huh:
  19. adraine

    Anyone Had A Go At Any Of These?

    So has anyone had the fortune of tasting any of these beers? I like the opening statement too. "One thing we know about booze is that the price does not reflect the quality. Just because something cost an arm and a leg doesnt mean...