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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. F

    Caustic COP system

    Thanks for the reply Mark. By COP, I mean Clean Out of Place? By that I mean the kegs are inverted in the wash area to maintain rapid drainage and recirculation as the spray ball does its job. CO2 isn't an issue because of this I would have assumed. As the kegs are prewashed and disassembled...
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    Caustic COP system

    Hi all, I have a heated and pumped COP spray ball system. Sick of using napisan as it is too foamy. PBW is too difficult to obtain where I am. Am comfortable working with strong chemicals and of course wear appropriate PPE. COP system is remote operated and gets used at a distance. I would...
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    Is there any chance you can twist the “temp twister” into a corny keg?! :):)
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    Turn a high watt density element into a ULWD..

    Hey Guys, Had some scorching issues with some high gravity worts. Came to the solution that I would use this x2 On 2 of these...
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    Inkbird New Product Releasing and Giveaway for one of new product!

    I would love to try one of these products ☺️
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    Wort Scorching, Element idea

    Hey all, 2 vessel (esky and keggle BIAB brewer here). Using a cheap kettle element from big W (2400W). Last 3 batches have been triple or double batches. I have mash around 7-11kgs in a big esky to around 1.050-1.070. I then boil and dilute to target gravity with treated and boiled water...
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    Stone And Wood Ale Recipe

    Had another go at this, The flavour was there- however milder. I think it was the yeast flavour. Once I cold crashed it was gone. Tasting amazing.
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    Stone And Wood Ale Recipe

    Hey crew, Am on day 8 of fermentation and was about to put in some dry hops. I tasted it before putting in the hops and boy did it taste weird. It’s a strong off flavour of some sort. I wish I had the experience to describe it or say what it was. My partner says it smells like car. I disagree...
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    Regulator ideas

    Hi all, Got this regulator a while back. To be honest it is a pretty crappy build quality. If I had my time again I would definitely get something a bit more specialist... I’ve had to recalibrate one of the gauges a couple...
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    Tin allergy

    Very common to have back pain and stiffness with intolerances. BPA is in so much stuff these days. Yeast may be nutritious. But if you have an intolerance, then your not gona tolerate it . Yeah, nuts are healthy- but not if your anaphylactic ;)
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    Tin allergy

    So many variables with just being provided those few symptoms... and subtle changes in routine/diet. Sometimes intolerances are never identified. Whether or not this is diet related or something completely unrelated is tricky here More people have a relative intolerance to yeast than what is...
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    My Rogers Clone Recipe Tastes Great

    Been reading through this... there is a lot of recipes. :-) Does anyone have any opinion on which iteration is the best? Not concerned about colour, just flavour. Most important to me is the hop presence in the Rogers. Thanks!
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    Tap vs Siphon

    Thanks crew- I’ll shoot off to Bunnings and grab a ball valve ☺️
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    Tap vs Siphon

    Hey All, In your experience what is better. I have just built a keggle with the 2500w kettle element. I will be BIABing in the keggle and then thinking of siphoning hot wort to no chill cube. My thoughts are siphoning, I can change the hose and cleaning it good and proper. With a tap it is...
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    Melbourne - sodium percabonate bulk buy

    If anyone is willing to split and send to me, on me ☺️ Thank you
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    Cairns / Port Douglas brewers

    I’ve read a few books and I want to just dive into the deep end. I have a mate that I chat to on the phone who gives me a hand. Just waiting for my orders now :)
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    Cairns / Port Douglas brewers

    Hey All, I live up in port have done basic K&K over the years. But taste buds are a bit more demanding now, so getting into AG. Are there any clubs or brewers that need a hand? :) Cheers