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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    Advice on a new all grain set up

    If your sure you want to do all grain and can afford it I say go for it. I have pretty much what your after and although a bit pricey the Pro fermenter and glycol chiller is awesome. I have two fermenters was thinking about a third but don’t think I’ll need it. I can brew a lager and an ale days...
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    DPDT switch question

    I've got the same switch. Just wired it up last week for the pump on my flooded font. I connected the out (to the pump) to the centre pins and the in (coming from the mains) to pins 5 & 6 as you've numbered them. When switched on it turns the pump on and the led light comes on. When switched...
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    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    I love going to my MIL for Xmas. She owns a pub.
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    New Grainfather Conical Fermenter

    Oops sent that last one too early. Yeah EalingDrop I contacted Grainfather and my hoses will be replaced when available. Apparently there's was some mix up and Grainfather were supplied with some of the wrong type. I have had a couple of problems with the chiller so not really able to comment...
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    New Grainfather Conical Fermenter

    EalingDrop I see what you mean now about the glycol coming out of the fermenter when disconnected. One of my fermenters does the same the other one is like paulyman's and doesn't leak. Seems the connections for the fermenter that came with the glycol chiller don't leak and the ones supplied with...
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    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    I used to lean left on most things. The far left have gone completely loopy and I can't support the way they go about things. The older I've got the more right I seem to lean.
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    New 19L cornies: KK vs Mangrove Jack's ?

    I have six MJ kegs and 3 KK type. Whenever I'm filling a keg I always go for a MJ keg if there is one free. I just find the MJ ones easier to get on and off disconnects while kegs are in the kegerator. Not a lot of difference I guess just personal preference. I haven't found any issues with...
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    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Staffys are the best. Great family dogs. There are irresponsible animal owners every where. They should be banned from owning animals or having children. I understand your frustration but don't blame the poor dogs it's the idiot owners, and unfortunately staffys attract fuckwit owners for some...
  9. B

    Grainfather Glycol Chiller

    Mine will get its maiden run this weekend with a pilsner in one fermenter and an IPA in the other. I can't wait. It's better than xmas. Also if anyone is interested in Grainfather equipment they are having a 20% off everything sale this weekend. Good savings to be had. Spewing I pulled the...
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    Digital Thermometer <- thermapen alternatives

    +1 for Thermapen. Like zeggie says UK eBay and keep an eye on this forum. People are quick to spot bargains and post them up for others to take advantage of. This is where I found out eBay was having a special. Cost me about $70 delivered from my hazy memory.
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    I use a kangertech kbox mini. Cost about $90 online from an Aussie store. Mad Ape Vape no affiliation yada yada. I used a cheap pen type vape to start with but the kbox is much better. I was a little unsure about the outlay til I thought it's not even 3 packs of smokes. Best investment ever...
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    I've been vaping for a year. No smokes since. I buy my juice in Australia as doublers and I buy my nicotine from the states. Then I add my Nic to the doubler eg. 15ml doubler juice to 15ml nic. I buy my nic at 24mg which dilutes to 12mg with the doubler. You will also have to decide on a PG/VG...
  13. B

    sparge water heater or hot water urns ?

    No difference same thing. They are both urns
  14. B

    Wanted to buy - grainfather

    My sparges are quite often around 15l. I'd go bigger than ten unless your only doing half batches.
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    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    I don't know if that would disqualify you warra. As long as you are not a citizen of a foreign country. But I really have no idea. If you did want to enter federal politics you could just give up that pension and renounce any foreign citizenship just like all federal members of parliament should...
  16. B

    Wanted to buy - grainfather

    I agree we should all buy Australian as much as possible but if that's the reason to buy a Robobrew then I guess you would limit your hop and grain varieties to Aussie only as well (which I think would be silly). Keg King get plenty of my business and I am happy with my GF purchase and where...
  17. B

    Wanted to buy - grainfather

    Just finished another successful brew day with the GF. Uploaded a recipe to the GF controller app last night set the delay timer to start heating the mash water at 4.30am and milled my grain. Got up at 5.30am (it was ready a little earlier) mashed in and went back to bed for an hour. Got up...