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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. E

    Advice re yeast stir plate

    Sorry I haven't posted much. I couldn't attach a pic so I've included a url for it, looking slightly better than this morning! The yeast was fresh, packaged in Oct. I didn't measure the wort gravity before pitching. What do you mean the volume and pitch was wrong? I followed the ratio's in...
  2. E

    Advice re yeast stir plate

    I've had a few batches of Wyeast not activate on me recently when pitched direct so I just invested in a heated stir plate to see if that helps! I'm making a batch of red ale today so made my first starter on Friday night. I used 1.1litre water to 100g DME to allow for boil off, cooled to 20...
  3. E

    Greetings from the Dale, NSW

    Yeah doubtful, the missus loves living close to the city so looks like we're stuck here :) She may change her mind after being locked locked out of the kitchen on brew day though :)
  4. E

    Greetings from the Dale, NSW

    G'day All, Just starting to get back into homebrew again thanks to the craft beer revival going on at the mo! I've run a couple of extract brews in the past and just did my first BIAB a couple of weeks ago! I'm a Pom originally and tend to prefer Bitters or any good Porter so hence the BIAB...