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  1. professional_drunk

    KegLand Questions and Answers

    @KegLand-com-au Is there more information on what all the settings are on the cannular can and bottle filler? I've got a pressure sensor error and it's not letting me fill anything. It just stops as soon as I press the button. What settings are relevant for this problem?
  2. professional_drunk

    KegLand Questions and Answers

    @KegLand-com-au was there a mini version of the RAPT fridge in the pipeline? I'm asking because I'm quite a lazy brewer and am not interested in a keg fridge because I don't want to manage kegs and I brew around 25 litres which doesn't fit very well. I've been brewing and serving from my 2 all...
  3. professional_drunk

    KegLand Questions and Answers

    I'm a canner/bottler exclusively so I'm looking for something that'll let me package 50L without a worn out hand or shoulder at the end. Hopefully your device is good for cans too.
  4. professional_drunk

    KegLand Questions and Answers

    Hi @KegLand-com-au have you got anything in the pipeline which improves on the ergonomics of the beer gun? I hate that little rubber tip which always gets knocked off. I've ended up throwing mine away and putting a valve in the beer line to start and stop the flow.
  5. professional_drunk

    Failed Carbonation / conditioning.

    If you did add sugar, maybe a dose of fresh yeast and wait.
  6. professional_drunk

    All About Canning - Cannular Can Seamers and More...

    So I've just tasted my first canned beer (5% saison) 3.5 months after canning and I can now detect a bit of staling. Unfortunately this batch went a bit quick as I would have liked to taste a can every month to see when it goes downhill. The last tasting before this was 1 month after canning in...
  7. professional_drunk

    Off flavours

    Does your LHBS store the yeast cold? I find it hard to believe that Nottingham would lag that long. The yeast is a phenomenal performer.
  8. professional_drunk

    Off flavours

    At least you can narrow the problem down to pre-bottling. Review your yeast handling, maybe you need to pitch more or healthier yeast. Haven't used US05 in many years, but I remember getting up to 8 hours lag time. Nottingham comes in an 11g packet, so 2 packets should be enough for your batch...
  9. professional_drunk

    Off flavours

    It's not hard as long as you take care in the cleaning. Even sometimes when you don't you could get away with it. I once stuck an unsanitized hose in wort and nothing came of it. Some questions to ask yourself what equipment that the chilled wort touches have you replaced to isolate the...
  10. professional_drunk

    Brewday and what is everyone brewing currently?

    Cherry Saison. My first fruit beer and have no idea what I'm doing. Hope 1kg of cherries for a 20lt batch is appropriate.
  11. professional_drunk

    Swapping thread, post what your willing to swap and if someone is interested pm that person

    I've got multiple cans of a simple Helles hopped with hallertau tradition using w34/70. Bitterness and carb is probably low to style as I intended this to be suitable to all the females who tell me they don't like beer because it's too bitter.
  12. professional_drunk

    Is it possible to get some type of beer swap happening

    Would like something like this too. A covid era case swap. So many beer styles out there I'd like to taste but there's only so much I can brew.
  13. professional_drunk

    Regarding cold side oxidation, how long a beer can stay on yeast, and other questions

    You need to be thinking about your process to avoid oxidation from the beginning. You may just need to accept based on your limitations that you'll get some oxidation. Do your best, and drink up early. Take notes for how long it takes for oxidation to affect your beer so you'll know your best...
  14. professional_drunk

    Stubborn Wyeast 2206

    Still doing 20l on my Brau. Even an underpitch should show signs of life after 4 days. In my thinking, if yeast doesn't show it's presence after 48 hours, then I think there's trouble. Are there any yeasts that lag longer than 48 hours in their normal course? Unfortunately it's easter and my...
  15. professional_drunk

    Stubborn Wyeast 2206

    Wort was given pure o2. The yeast packs were at room temperature by the time they got pitched. The smack packs didn't swell. Is that a reliable indicator though? I thought I may have had packs not swell in the past but this is the first time I've ever had problems with wyeast. The only other...
  16. professional_drunk

    Stubborn Wyeast 2206

    Lesson learned. Keep backup yeast on hand.
  17. professional_drunk

    Stubborn Wyeast 2206

    OG hasn't moved. Using an allrounder. No bubbles, no krausen. Looks the same as on brew day. Surprisingly, nothing wild looks to have taken over either. Can't believe 2 packets of yeast are DOA. I might try and stick some wort from my already fermenting batch in and get it started.
  18. professional_drunk

    Stubborn Wyeast 2206

    Want to get your thoughts on my current batch. I brewed a 1.051 wort and pitched wyeast 2206 bavarian lager 4 days ago. 2 days ago I was a bit concerned, so I pitched another package of the same yeast. Fermentation is set to 12c. Yeast is a fresh in date pack. Currently the wort is not showing...
  19. professional_drunk

    RAPT Pill

    First time user of the pill. I normally set my temp control probe to measure the air inside the fridge. Now that I have the pill to tell me what the actual temp inside the fermenter is, I've found I need to set my temp controller to 0.5c less than what I'm targetting so that the temp inside the...
  20. professional_drunk

    Saison fermentation timing

    I'd just leave it and check when you come back. Some extra maturation time will probably do it some good.