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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. R

    First time using hop flowers.

    What's your reasoning behind not dry hopping, Danny? I tend to use a combination of 'hop stand' and dry hop.
  2. R

    Show Us Your Tap Handles

    Ummmm.... Party at Dent's house !!!! :lol: That setup deserves it's own thread. I want to see how you manage that many kegs!
  3. R

    A nice little brew-day vid

    Coffee Stout?
  4. R

    Ginger beer - gone mouldy?!

    Damn. Personally I'd chuck it but I could be wrong.
  5. R

    Active Users List. Is it accurate?

    We just need Ducati Stu to spark another lively yeast debate :lol:
  6. R

    What are you Brewing 2016?

    Dead Pony Club :P
  7. R

    Is brewmate gone?

    Somebody please upload a copy of Brewmate? I want to go back to being able to select Aussie grains, kthx
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    Stonefruit Dark Ale

    Cheers lads, looks like Summer/Simcoe with 1469 could be the go. Any suggestions for malt bill?
  9. R

    Stonefruit Dark Ale

    Hey gang, Have a vague idea for the next brew and thought I'd crowd-source the finer details. I want to brew a dark beer (haven't had much experience in this area) with stone-fruit hops (which hops give stone-fruit flavours?) Maybe something like a Black IPA but tamer strength wise...
  10. R

    Redundancies from work, anyone else seeing it in your industry?

    $50,000 cash payout after 3 years work (voluntary redundancy) :P
  11. R

    12 weird beers

    I'm a bit suss on the method the recipe uses here (throwing it in the boil) I've considered doing a cannabis brew for the novelty... But in order to get the desired effect I'd lean towards adding a tincture (e.g high dose of bud soaking in bacardi 151, periodically shaken for a week or two) to...
  12. R

    No chillers, how do YOU hop tea?

    Personally if I'm brewing a hoppy ale, I do a single cube hop addition (nothing in the boil) and dry-hop. I can make a seriously hop-flavour-heavy beer without much bitterness this way if I want... I haven't found hop tea's necessary, although I'm curious.
  13. R

    Miserable efficiency making it hard to follow recipes!

    poggor, consider investing in a 40L Eletric urn kettle or a big-ass stock pot.
  14. R

    Westcoast IPA

    Sounds good Spiesy. Another yeast I've never heard of! Keen to try... Are you looking to stock this one any time soon?
  15. R

    Westcoast IPA

    Sounds similiar to what I just brewed Yob. 3.2kg Maris Otter 3.2kg Pale malt 70g Amarillo - Cube 70g Simcoe - Cube 40g Amarillo - Dryhop 40g Simcoe - Dryhop Looking forward to tapping this. Next time may try the munich with a higher OG to allow for more hops. So where can I get this...
  16. R

    Westcoast IPA

    My new favouriate style. Please post your favourite recipes
  17. R

    urgent pizza advice needed

    pics please
  18. R

    2nd brew just some questions

    That's not too fast a fermentation, sounds about right. From what I remember I didn't get a lot of foam (krausen) when using kits either. It may be that you're using better/healthier yeast at a more appropriate pitch rate than your past brews.
  19. R

    Buy now to avoid later disappointment...

    Before or after tax, freight, customs, etc? :P