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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. delboy

    March Pump Mounting Question

    i was under the impression that the 809 was also a magdrive brushless design and in that case you shuldn't see any windings as they would be sealed. (could be wrong ) also they have a centre shaft pinion ball so mounting vertically will not really hurt them as this is what the ball is for. but...
  2. delboy

    Made My First Homebrew, Coopers Lager - Didnt Work

    hey there kifepoint just wanted to clear a missunderstanding up about malt for mate putting malt in your beer don,t lower the alc parsay it is the amount . may i suggest this for your next brew if i may its easy and it will be bonza for a third go as well. 23 ltr batch 1 x coopers pale 700g dry...
  3. delboy

    Made My First Homebrew, Coopers Lager - Didnt Work

    hey x ok the one you have just done will have plenty of body but it will lack a bit of alc% but if you like a light beer then that will be fine . looks like your going to get it right any way .just let this one gone along and bottle it in 14 days from now try not to move it about too much and...
  4. delboy

    Made My First Homebrew, Coopers Lager - Didnt Work

    hey x list your where abouts so may be you can meetup with another brewer in your area to help you out mate. if we know your whareabouts we can even suggest some one or a club or group nearby. delboy
  5. delboy

    Bitch And Moan

    braufrau you sound like the perfect 10 i am in the same situation but around the otherway. :P i think you have spoilt him to much. do you have a twin sister who is single and is exactly the same as you? and if you and brooksy run off to a tropical island i am comming too ill bring the keg...
  6. delboy

    Made My First Homebrew, Coopers Lager - Didnt Work

    a month in the fermentor may have over stepped the mark in primary stage ? did it taste a bit soapy or cardboardy ?? how long was it bottled for? did you sanitize correctly ? regardless don't loose faith in the hobby at first attempt i would like to say welcome to the forum and you have...
  7. delboy

    My New Micro Brewery

    sjw very nice and simple as well i like the cold water tank behind for chilln' wort ;) del
  8. delboy

    Homebrand "saaz" Lager

    kd well a bit late on posting but i have been flat out .any way i never could understand the importance of price driven brewing as a hobby i know it is a good bragging point but i beleive the hobby to be that a hobby and cost of a stubby of lesser importance . i would rather make a beer than...
  9. delboy

    Beer Engine

    yes it has a piston and cylinder it is a horizontal unit with a double slide bar this is a space saver 1/4 pint unit. and the are excellent to but the way. they retail for around 480 pounds ea new and thats is trade referbished around 300 pounds and secon hand no service 200 pounds so yes it...
  10. delboy

    New Brewer

    arrrrr welcome me lad now youve be bitten buy the brewing bug if your single stay single if your married then oh well your married and you will have to do what swmbo tells you to do first. :D na welcome enjoy, argue , debate , laught and learn we are not all pros but we try to be :blink...
  11. delboy

    What The Best Hop Variety

    simcoe in amber ale for aroma and flavour but bittering luv the fuggles they would be my top 2 dont mind saaz in small doses i had to much one night in a pils and i was sick as a dog all i could taste was saaz .but nothing like a czech hangover so dont shoot a czechoslavician in the shower? del
  12. delboy

    32 Jet Mongolian Burner

    yes when i was talking with john at grain and grape i was quoted 350,000 for the 32 and 300,000 for the 23 . ok the paper work that is with mine did not state a thing but the tag said 350,000 ??? so i am not sure what the figures are but after seeing how good they work i don't realy care but i...
  13. delboy

    32 Jet Mongolian Burner

    yes i agree with you there TD grain and grape told me the same i think they mean mj not btu. but like you said it dosnt realy mater as long as the job gets done. they are very good burners. my brother in law is a boiler maker and he helped me design the draft part of the set up and the flame...
  14. delboy

    32 Jet Mongolian Burner

    TD the only reason i did the boil from ambiant was to water test the system but just timed it as well to see how long it would take out of intrest was very happy. kirim not sure about the btu rating now you got me thinking and there was a sticker on mine red and white with a thermal rating...
  15. delboy

    Photo Tutorial - Removal Of 50l Keg Spears

    thats a great tutorial .i was going to write more but then i deleted it > dont want to rave on :D del
  16. delboy

    32 Jet Mongolian Burner

    i use the 23 jet burner set at 70 mm below the lowest point in the kettel i only got a soot problem when i turned mine down low way low . if you smear the underside of you kettel with raw dishwashing liquid so it only has a film of detergent on it the soot falls off very easy. also these...
  17. delboy

    Biab On A Agset Up Question

    okay the bag was only going to be as big as the opening of the tun so it is easy to put in and out ,my tun is 400mm wide as i have cub squat kegs and the opening cut out in the top is 350mm wide but is see what you are saying so a 380 wide bag in the tun would line it a bit better and it wold...
  18. delboy

    English Stout Eg Mackeson's

    yes what do you want AG or k&k ? let me know del
  19. delboy

    Biab On A Agset Up Question

    thanks chaps you have given me some ideas here .mother inlaw will bake my grain bag up a few inches smaller than the circumfrence of my keg MT but long enought to be supported off the bottom"so it sort of sits in the hot liquor i will aggitate grains in the bag with a smaller mash paddle and...
  20. delboy

    Dispensing From Cubes

    you guys should go on "MYTHBUSTERS" or better still get them to do it and you dont waste your money or get hurt . or if you want do it like the "jackass" movies and sit on the cube while testing then post it in the funny section on the forum? no but seriously your cube should get to around...