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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Borret

    Big Stainless Mill Up For Sale

    Up for sale is my custom made mill. I made it a few years ago but it has only seen a dozen brews. It was a labor of love and I was totally wrapped with the result. Im no longer brewing so hopefully someone else can add some practical bling to their brewery. On a home brewers scale its...
  2. Borret

    RecipeDB - Crazy Eyes Witbier

    <div class='ipsBox clear vcard' id='recipe_card'> <div class='ipsVerticalTabbed ipsLayout ipsLayout_withleft ipsLayout_smallleft clearfix'> <div class='ipsVerticalTabbed_tabs ipsLayout_left' id='recipe_tabs'> <p class='short photo_holder'> <img...
  3. Borret

    Bottles- Free To Good Home-newcastle

    Approx 8 dozen longknecks, most are crown seal and clean, are surplus to my current requirements and up for grabs. Also have a couple of dozen kozel 500's and junior pickaxe 375's that can go with them. Would like to get rid of them this arfernoon as I want them out of the garage. So if your...
  4. Borret

    Cube Lid Spanner

    I know you can buy something to do up the lids on the cubes/jerry cans we use for No-chill.... ... but after nearly tearing my thunmbnail off the other night when trying to undo one and it suddenly letting go, I decided to make one. So here's my effort and it works quite nicely. Brent
  5. Borret

    That's Gold

    Although I am not a fan of the beer (however my inlaws are), I must say XXXX is on the ball with this one. As many will be aware when you have a baby the hospital gives you a bag with a whole lot of samples and crap. Nomally all for mum and bub. We'll yesterdays new arrival :) saw yet...
  6. Borret

    Handheld Immersion Element Range

    Found this in a recent industry magazine from work and though some might be interested. It appears the 'aggresive water' units might be more suitable for wort. Borret
  7. Borret

    It's Pub Day!

    I love recieving an email message every Friday morning which says "It's Pub day" and then another at 11:30 to give us the Bistro Lunch Specials. How many people do the same on a Friday and if so what decent beers do you get at the work Local? ....... and who's stuck at work. I've just got...
  8. Borret

    Ace Venturi

    I have been doing some research and experimentation with wort (and water) aeration. I do own a stainless airstone and filter and havent had any issues yet but dont like the fact that these things are a porous bacteria trap if not cleaned properly and I dont own a pressure cooker to properly...
  9. Borret

    Ag'ing Without Kebab's

    Well the Kebab cooker wasn't ready in time to coincide with the first AG and the thermometers and HLT elements haven't arrived yet but I decided to jump in plugs and all and have a go. I borrowed a thermocouple from work which was a great help in the meantime and the HLT is running on gas. I...
  10. Borret

    Electric Elements

    Do you think these are value for money...... cause I just bought all 11 for 5 bucks :beerbang: I think I just found a few reasons to go electric HLT. And to think this morning I hadn't even thought about going electric. I believe they are 1650w which should go nicely with 2 in the HLT...
  11. Borret

    Kettle Gauge

    Just some more photo's as my setup progresses (and I wait for my thermometers to arrive). I want to be able to acurately measure the volume of the preboil and postboil volumes but am not a fan of the external sight glass on the kettle with the whole not boiling what's in it problem and...
  12. Borret

    Will Discovery Take The Heat?

    I am just curios to know, after all the media hype, what people believe is going to be the outcome of tonights deorbit and re-entry. What have the journo's convinced us will happen? Will NASA be cracking beers of joy or beers of comiseration this evening? Borret
  13. Borret

    Chiller Art

    All this talk about chillers has made me pull my finger out and finally take the plunge and bend me pipe. Not wanting to conform to the boring spiral but believing in true aesthetics in everything I build, yet heeding the random, maximum surface area and thermal column free theories- I set to...
  14. Borret

    Mash Ratio And False Bottoms.

    A question for those proficient in all things false bottom. :ph34r: Every false bottm has a void under it and the one I have just made has about 2 litres although nearly all of this is drainable. So when calculating mash ratio's is there any compensation made for the void under the false...
  15. Borret


    Well I can't afford a Rubbermaid or similar as yet so here is the cooler/mash tun that Borret........made. Yes it's essentially a bucket which unlike an expensive 5 gallon round cooler actually holds 23 litres rather than 19 which will certainly do me in the short term. Fully insulated with...
  16. Borret

    Ag Brewery Capacity Calculator

    Howdy Folks, As I am in end stages of putting together my AG setup :super: I sat down to calculate what my capability's will be with regards to volumes and grain bills and ended up in excel. Once I started it snowballed and I figured it could be a useful tool for others to see what they need...
  17. Borret

    Proton Energy Pills

    Was doing a search on oxgen tanks on ebay and thes came upOxygen tabs I know it may be a dumb idea but though I'd put it up for discussion anyway. What do you reckon it'd achieve by dumping 1 or 2 of these in your cooled wort before pitching your yeast? :ph34r: They are endorsed by John Laws...
  18. Borret

    Hbs's In Sydney

    Hey Sydney dwellers, I am from Lower trgion of Newcastle and am heading down to eastern creek for the Nitro Drag Championships tommorow. Is there anywhere between the freeway (hornsby) and eastern creek that not too far out of the way and sells a selection of grain and hops. Was hoping to...
  19. Borret

    Weihenstephan Wheat Yeast

    Ok I am a bit bummed. Did my first partial last weeked and it was a wiezen beer. Mash went fine, even tried a ferulic acid rest at 43 deg for 1/2 hr, 1hr rest at 65deg and mid 70's mash out and 90 boil went fine. Was pleased- got 1049 from 2kg grain and 1 kg wheat LME in 15 litres. The...
  20. Borret

    Mini Lauter Tun

    Hey all, Been a bit of discussion on Grumpys about the mini mash and mini all grain. Thought I'd throw on some photo's of the little tun I made for doing partials. Was welding up some stainless T pieces for my 50 lt mash tun I'm building and so made one with a long leg while I was at it to...