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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. F

    Caustic COP system

    Hi all, I have a heated and pumped COP spray ball system. Sick of using napisan as it is too foamy. PBW is too difficult to obtain where I am. Am comfortable working with strong chemicals and of course wear appropriate PPE. COP system is remote operated and gets used at a distance. I would...
  2. F

    Turn a high watt density element into a ULWD..

    Hey Guys, Had some scorching issues with some high gravity worts. Came to the solution that I would use this x2 On 2 of these...
  3. F

    Wort Scorching, Element idea

    Hey all, 2 vessel (esky and keggle BIAB brewer here). Using a cheap kettle element from big W (2400W). Last 3 batches have been triple or double batches. I have mash around 7-11kgs in a big esky to around 1.050-1.070. I then boil and dilute to target gravity with treated and boiled water...
  4. F

    Regulator ideas

    Hi all, Got this regulator a while back. To be honest it is a pretty crappy build quality. If I had my time again I would definitely get something a bit more specialist... I’ve had to recalibrate one of the gauges a couple...
  5. F

    Tap vs Siphon

    Hey All, In your experience what is better. I have just built a keggle with the 2500w kettle element. I will be BIABing in the keggle and then thinking of siphoning hot wort to no chill cube. My thoughts are siphoning, I can change the hose and cleaning it good and proper. With a tap it is...
  6. F

    Cairns / Port Douglas brewers

    Hey All, I live up in port have done basic K&K over the years. But taste buds are a bit more demanding now, so getting into AG. Are there any clubs or brewers that need a hand? :) Cheers