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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. NzBrewerMatt

    Cacao Nibs - end of boil

    Hi all I'm keen to hear your experience from those of you who have used cacao nibs at the end of the boil. What flavours did you get, any flavours you didn't want to get etc. I have some raw cacao nibs that I am going to roast tonight before brewing. Because I am putting the cacao nibs at the...
  2. NzBrewerMatt

    Best cleaning solution

    Hey all, I have a stainless steel fermenter that's been left outside open for a few weeks while it's not been used. I forgot about it when I went away I'm wondering what would be the best product to get this back to fully clean would be. Any suggestions? Would PBW be enough or will I need...
  3. NzBrewerMatt

    Cleaning the Fermentasaurus

    Hi team, how are you guys cleaning the fermentasaurus? I finished my first brew with this fermenter over the weekend and found cleaning to be a massive pain. I couldn't get my arm in there to clean the outside where the hops and yeast had left marks. Are you using a specific tool to clean or a...
  4. NzBrewerMatt

    Fermenting in a Fermentasaurus

    Hi Home Brewers! Just finished brewing an all grain batch last night which I have transferred into the Fermentasaurus which I am using for the first time. I'm definitely excited to start using the Fermentasaurus as it looks to be a great piece of kit and it was extremely cheap for a plastic...
  5. NzBrewerMatt

    All Grain Efficiency Very Low - What am I doing wrong

    Hi all Hoping you can help. I'm currently brewing on a three-tier system consisting of 3 56L stainless steel kettles. Unfortunately, I'm getting a really bad efficiency. Yesterday I did a brew and it came out at about 58% efficiency. I did a SMaSH recipe which is below; Batch Size: 23L...
  6. NzBrewerMatt

    Airlock vs Blow Off Tube (Limited Space)

    Hi guys, I've just purchased a fridge for fermentation and rigged it up with a temp controller. I'm also trying to fit two 30L fermenters in the fridge, one above the other. One is plastic, the other is stainless steel. The only thing I'm currently struggling with is space. I didn't really...