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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. R

    More Gmail Accounts Available

    Hello all, I have 5 gmail invitations - send me an email if you'd like one. (Once you have an account, gmail will give you 6 invitations). cheers reg
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    Turkey Fryers - Not For Frying Turkeys

    Hello all, I haven't downloaded the movie but the images look pretty crook. But if you're feeling adventurous, this looks like deep-fryed turkey heaven. Now if we could just combine deep-frying with pressure...
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    Goliath Gas Bottle : Sydney Refills?

    Hello all, This sounds like a great idea. I hope it catches on - would be great to not have to rent cylinders. Anyone in Sydney who owns their own gas bottle recommend a place that will provide refills? cheers reg
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    High Pressure Gas Cooker : Ray's Outdoors

    Hello all, Anyone have experience with this item? Looks like it could be handy for wort boiling - assuming it can take the weight of a large pot. cheers reg
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    Dave Brockington's New Stout Ii

    Hello all, It's been some months in the bottle and it's a wonderful stout - a lovely rich flavour with a touch of smokiness off in the distance. When I first bottled this brew it had a strange and pronounced sour flavour - I even wondered if I might end up tossing it out. However it's a real...
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    Wyeast German Ale Yeast

    Hello all, This is my first time with Wyeast German ale yeast. It goes like a rocket. I stepped up the sachet a couple of times prior to pitching, have had the wort around 14-16 degrees and there's quite a substantial yeast head on top - big as blazes. Pretty tasty so far as well. It's...
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    Happy Birthday Gmk

    Hope you have an enjoyable day. cheers reg
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    Anyone Using A Hop-back?

    I've read elsewhere that they're very good for imparting hop aroma - wondering if anyone on the list uses or has used one. cheers reg
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    Beer In Film

    Reading that Pabst were the first to sell one million barrels - reminded me of Frank Booth in "Blue Velvet" - his favourite beer is Pabst blue ribbon and he believes that Heineken is rubbish. Heineken is the favourite beer of Jeffrey Beaumont , and Sandy Williams prefers Bud. Anyone else have...
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    Country Brewer Website Update + Forum

    countryBrewer website updated - + they've introduced a brewing forum cheers reg
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    Saflager W-34/70

    I have a lager in the fridge - used saflager w-34/70. I've not used this one before - what do people think about it? cheers reg
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    Safale And Rehydration

    I usually rehydrate dried yeast prior to pitching - in fact I hadn't pitched non-rehydrated dried yeast for quite a while. Anyway just recently I bunged in a sachet of safale - directly to the wort. I've never previously had any problems with this yeast but this time it just didn't take off -...
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    Cask Ale And Coleman Water Containers

    I was reading about people bulk carbonating english style ales in polypins and have given it a go using a Coleman 2.5 gallon water container. If it doesn't explode or split I hope to be able to tap a lovely creamy ale from what is essentially a thick plastic bag with a tap. cheers reg
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    Horizon Bittering

    Anyone using horizon pellets? I've been using them quite a bit lately - very smooth bittering - just compared a horizon bittered ale to a super alpha and the horizon is as smooth as blazes. cheers reg
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    Easter Show And The Carlton Academy

    Anyone been to the CUB beer-pouring session? I didn't make it though it promised to provide the best technique for pouring a beer from a tap. cheers reg
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    I've Been Skimming Yeast

    After reading a bit about the possible benefits of yeast skimming (ie skimming the bitter dark stuff that is brought up by the yeast during fermentation), I've been giving it a go - can't report on taste benefits yet but it certainly brightens up the old yeast cake. cheers reg
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    Easter Brewing

    I roasted some pale malt yesterday evening and am brewing an ale today. It was to be a porter but I don't think that my oven did the job - anyway I'll be very interested to see how this one turns out - the place was filled with a wonderful aroma. I'm also thinking of a lager - maybe mixing...
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    Using Lager Yeast For Brewing Ales

    I've read elsewhere about people using lager yeast when brewing ales - the idea that a lager yeast even when used at higher than optimum temp. will produce a "cleaner" result than an ale yeast. Any thoughts on this? cheers reg
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    Very Shiny And Very Expensive

    Browsing through new products at b3 I noticed this one - click on the image for a better view - it's quite an attractive iitem. "The most expensive faucet in the World! This German - made stainless faucet was designed to be the official faucet of Oktoberfest, pouring a liter of beer in as...
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    Scharer's Little Brewery - Picton

    Willie Simpson's latest "Brew" article from the Sydney Morning Herald Good living supplement - March 4 2003, p. 20 "Munchen to Picton - A German master brewer brings his skills to a small country pub." cheers reg