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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. C

    Electric Elements

    I'm going to start designing my future electric brewery soon, and want to see if anyone out there has any info on what can and can't be done. HLT The HLT, which is the part I'll definitely be doing seems pretty trivial to me: * The bigger the element, the faster it'll heat. * The better you...
  2. C

    Plumbing Questions

    I've got two plumbing related questions: Where do people get their brass/copper plumbing parts from in Sydney? I'm sick of Bunnings: they rarely seem to stock all the parts that I'm after, and have a pretty limited range to begin with. Reece is just plain expensive. I went to a co-op in...
  3. C

    How Do I Change The Lines On My Font?

    I have a lovely, new (well, new to me), flooded font, but the previous owner didn't look after it so well. The beer lines are quite nasty with many years of stale beer caked on, are too short, and are brittle from age. I have pulled the font completely apart, and have been able to clean all...
  4. C

    What Kind Of Person Are You?

    This topic seemed to get a little off topic, so it's time to settle the debate once and for all. Are you a cat person, or a dog person?
  5. C

    No-contact Device For Measuring Fermentation Progress

    I had an idea for a device to keep track of how far through fermentation a beer was. To be honest, I have no plans to actually build this, but I'm interested in hearing what people think of it. I have heard of ultrasonics being used to measure the density of a liquid in a tank or pipe, but...
  6. C

    Hop Yield

    I'm a first time hop grower, and am interested in getting a rough figure for my expected yield. I'm growing Tardif. I've trained 3 bines vertically for 2m, then horizontally. They've gone across about 2 mitres now, and are still growing reasonably well (about 2-5cm/day) despite flowers...
  7. C

    Co2 In Confined Spaces

    I had a doctor-friend around at my place recently, and he raised a good question about my keg set-up. My 9kg CO2 tank sits next to my fridge, which is in my laundry. My laundry has no windows. What happens if I get a leak? I was able to temporarily convince myself that it wasn't an issue: 1...
  8. C

    Beersmith Query

    Edit: Ignore this - I closed and reopened Beersmith, and it started working properly...
  9. C

    Bandit Nabs 450 Kegs From Guinness I bet he wasn't happy when he found out that 180 of them were Bud...
  10. C

    Plate Chiller

    Another recent thread about plate chillers got me thinking about my plate chiller: I have a ChillOut plate chiller (not sure which rev - probably MkII?), and have a couple of questions to put to the endlessly knowledgeable AHB users: Is it possible to oven sterilise the ChillOut? I notice that...
  11. C

    Gas Burner

    I picked up one of these burners the other day: I'm yet to use it, because I want to make sure the thing's not going to blow up in my face when I connect it up. The nozzle assembly doesn't fit snugly into the main body (I was expecting to see some kind of a washer to seal up the connection)...
  12. C

    French Lager Recipe

    I picked up a Tardif de Bourgogne rhizome this year, and I know it's a long way off, and that I am counting my hop cones before they flower, but I wanted to find a killer recipe for my Tardif for winter '08. I can find very little information on this cultivar, and little information about...
  13. C

    Malt Density

    I'm sure this has been addressed before, but I've searched and searched, and can't find anything. Does anyone have approximate densities for both cracked and uncracked malt? To put it another way, how much space does a kilogram of grain take up before and after cracking? I have a couple of...
  14. C

    Faster Bottling

    I'm relatively new here, so firstly, a bit about my "packaging" habits. I bottled for years, before finally getting sick of sanitising all those bottles, and spending eternity waiting for 20L of beer to flow through the tiny valve in a blue bottler. I went and got myself a pretty good keg...
  15. C

    Not So Hefe Weizen

    I have a hefeweizen sitting in secondary at the moment. It's been there about 3 weeks now, because I've been too lazy to bottle it. The recipe is pretty straight-forward: AG, about 50/50 wheat/pilsner malts to 1.050, lightly hopped, WPL300 Hefeweizen yeast. Primary was about 4-5 days at 22C...