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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Q

    Whirlfloc Tab's

    I have never seen anyone ask about this one yet ( unless my eyes were pretending to be asleep B) ) What is the recommended way to store Whirlfloc Tab's........should they be stored at room temp, refrigerated, frozen??? There is nothing on the Brewcraft pack to suggest the recommended means of...
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    3 Tier Brew Stand/tree

    Hi all, I spotted a photo of a 3 tier AG brew stand/tree on this forum over the weekend. I had some visitors arrive and well - you know what happens next - we get drunk! :party: Anyway, this afternoon I decided to have another look at this stand in the view of building one myself - but can...
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    Guinness Foaming Up

    I am using an Andale Guinness tap that used to be used in an Irish bar some years ago. I am trying to get it to poor a bit better as all you seem to get when you pour is foam. I have dropped the pouring pressure back to about 4psi but it still only pours foam. The hose between the tap and keg...
  4. Q

    Raspberry Ale

    Hi all, I know I have read about this on this forum recently but now when I want to make it I can't find it :lol: Can someone kindly supply me with the recipe ( or lead me to it ) for making a Raspberry Ale ( kit form ) with frozen raspberry's and fresh cherry's. Another I was looking for...