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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. P

    Dog Days Clone

    I know there are a heap of people who were not big fans of this beer but given the pathetic range of brews available from the bottle shops up this way, it was the best we had for a long time. Now that LC have stopped producing it, I want to try and clone it for some of my mates who have had...
  2. P

    Using up Specialty Grains

    G'day, I have just fired up my 20L Braumeister again after moving north and I think I need to start branching out a bit more with my brewing. Up until now I have always used very basic grain bills, usually around a 60/40 pils/wheat mix with different late hops and US-05 for easy drinking ales...
  3. P

    Which Yeast?

    G'day, I have a very simple 50/50 wheat/pilsner wort with Saaz to 15IBU in a cube in the garage that I want to ferment with a heap of mango pulp for a matso's style easy drinker. I have four yeasts that I think could all work and I can't decide which one to use. I have: 1214 Belgian Abbey...
  4. P

    Bitterness and Flavour

    G'day Guys, In the past I have always brewed other peoples recipes but I want to start punching out a few of my own beers, I like hop forward beers with lots of aroma and low to mid bitterness around the 4% to 5% abv. and 15 to 30 IBU mark. Now to my questions, What is the advantage to having...
  5. P

    Help with Kimberley Water Profile

    I am about to start punching out some all grain brews in Kununurra W.A. but I am not sure if I should invest in an RO unit or if the town water is salvageable. Fluoride 0.43 Alkalinity (as CaCO2) 220 Chloride...
  6. P

    Bars around Docklands

    Melburnians, I am heading over to your fine city with my brother on Monday for a week long lads trip. We will be staying in Docklands and aside from the AFL Grand Final, we have no other plans for our time. Could anyone point us in the right direction for bars with plentiful delicious beers...
  7. P

    Handy Imports 71l pots

    Hi Guys, I am in the early stages of planning my first HERMS system and I was looking for my three likely vessels to hack to pieces, when I stumbled upon these: Has anyone come across these guys before or...