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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. matti

    Free Refrigerator

    This fridge is definitely going. I will hold onto it, if any one wants it or it will go to recyclers. It does work. The fridge needs need rust removed,paint and new seals. Inside is intact and with the freezer department drip tray removed it fits a 30 litre fermenter. It was trusty old fridge...
  2. matti

    What Is The Longest Time You Cced A Beer?

    I think it is time to keg my beer. It has been in secondary for 8 weeks soon, Gee, time can get way from you when you are busy..LOL Maybe this arvo Matti
  3. matti

    Merry Xmas

    Merry x-mas all. Any one after A QA bloke with 21 years experience in FMGC? Unilever has been tops but it is time to move on. I am looking into jobs but have nothing to go to come February yet. I have Put in for Jobs from coast to coast but no bites yet. Might have to get a degree or something...
  4. matti


    I went out to my garage to poor my self my 3rd beer for the evening..... My 4 year old was watching the beer going on the floor. I went :blink: WTF Next I turned the tap off and aske what are you up to? :angry: My little fellow with a new cure hair cut said "sorry daddy" :huh: I must be the...
  5. matti

    Cube Hopping And Grassy Notes

    What hops are more suitable for cube hopping? Will EKG in cube give a grassy note and will it subdue with age? Does gypsum promote grassiness? Me and a mate brewed an English bitter with Target FWH Northdown for bittering Fuggles for flavour and EKG Golding for aroma Marris Otter at 68...
  6. matti

    Pronounciation Of Trub And Other Brew Words

    The Americans pronounce "trub" as 'troob'. How do you say it?
  7. matti

    Silicone Hosing!

    Will Silicone hosing heavy duty survive a boil? Will it impart off flavour? I haven't fitted my spare false bottom to the kettle yet. Toying with the idea of using a silicone hose but though better of it. MAtti
  8. matti

    Old Wort Stains Stuck In Jerry Can.

    Hello people out there. I left a wort in a jerry can for too long. Brew is gone and drunk but the Plastic Jerry can has been soaking for 3 week in detergent but I cannot get rid of residue stuck on sides. Do you think if caustic Solution will get rid of it? I haven't got a long enough handles...
  9. matti

    Internet Provider?

    I have been with Telstra for a long time and only this year I went with Optus fusion $99 because No one could beta the deal. They offered 20GB per month @ 256kb/sec. Phone anywhere In Australia to any phone at any time at no extra cost. I though I couldn't go wrong. It is all good when...
  10. matti

    RecipeDB - North2South APA

    <div class='ipsBox clear vcard' id='recipe_card'> <div class='ipsVerticalTabbed ipsLayout ipsLayout_withleft ipsLayout_smallleft clearfix'> <div class='ipsVerticalTabbed_tabs ipsLayout_left' id='recipe_tabs'> <p class='short photo_holder'> <img...
  11. matti

    RecipeDB - Swedes Pilsner

    <div class='ipsBox clear vcard' id='recipe_card'> <div class='ipsVerticalTabbed ipsLayout ipsLayout_withleft ipsLayout_smallleft clearfix'> <div class='ipsVerticalTabbed_tabs ipsLayout_left' id='recipe_tabs'> <p class='short photo_holder'> <img...
  12. matti

    A Friend Of Mine

    A friend of mine in Sweden used to visit his ailing mother every fortnight and bring her a little something and a bit of weekend company as she lived alone in a little house in the country. As it was it was winter and time for another visit. The day was brilliant but cold, with clear blue skies...
  13. matti

    My Lager Taste Like Bread

    Well my lager didn't turn out. I think i must have caught some bad habit. You live and you learn. It is wierd though. Usually if i get and infected beer they go sour. This one just taste very grainy but not astringent in any way. Also there is no real yeasty flavour in it either. I am writing...
  14. matti

    Beer Bellies Are Genetical

    Just some news i picked up. If it not your belly it is your arse :icon_cheers: linky
  15. matti

    Lubrication Of The Seal In Kegs.

    I just finished cleaning my kegs out. Am I right in assuming that the seals don't need to be lubricated more that twice a year? We use to lubricate the seal to our vacuum oven at work about 6 monthly. Cheers AHB crowd.
  16. matti


    I am listening to grandstand as Siddles has taken 2/21 and RSA is 2/85. Off course I am also enjoying a beer and reading AHB at the same time. How good can it be is. The only thing that could top it up is "R" rated and SHMBO wouldn't do it for quids. Ok I am a sport fan or a Lounge sports...
  17. matti

    I Had A Dream I Got A New Job.

    :icon_drool2: This Guy work in the Brewery Plzensky Prazdroj in Czech Republic. He says that he is not concerned over the financial turmoil as the Czechs will not turn away from the Pilsen. matti
  18. matti

    Dry "short" Flavour In Lager!

    Kegged and force carbonated my latest creation this afternoon. A no chill lager. The beer hasn't cleared fully but I though I'd let it clear over X-mas new year under pressure in keg. when I tasted it, I found it had a short sweet residual flavour that finished a bit dry similar to a Irish dry...
  19. matti

    Internet Bugs

    This is a whinge post and I rather want to be procreative but it is impossible when my Norton frigging 360 doesn't not do its job. It has been 4 days of trying to work out why my modem wasn't working when it was a bug in the system all this time. I spent 3 hours searching for a fault believing...
  20. matti

    Cleaning A Micromatic Regulator!?

    I managed to get beer into my regulator a while ago. I think I've managed to blow it all out but I am not 100% sure. It is a micromatic dual regulator and it has been working fine thus far. After reading a few post in rescent times it appear that residual sugar can lead to bacteria growth and...