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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. M

    Grainfather Connect 30 Litre + Brewing Gear - Adelaide

    Hi All, I am looking to move on my Grainfather Connect and all my associated brewing gear due to a lack of time to brew these days :-( Please note at this stage I am offering everything as a package and DO NOT WANT TO SELL ITEMS SEPERATELY - Grainfather Connect Model with approximately 25...
  2. M

    Help getting that crisp Lager taste

    Hi All, I have been brewing on the Grainfather for 12 months now and produced some pretty reasonable beers. One of my favourite styles are Lagers, I have brewed several but none of them have had that real "crisp" taste and mouth feel that commercially produced lagers have. I believe my brewing...
  3. M

    All Grain Systems Help

    Hi Guys Ive been using kits for sometime now and would like to move into AG, Ive been doing some research on the net (how I stumbled onto Ive used the search function but am having some trouble finding out exactly how a 3 tier system works, is there a step by step guide avaliable or...