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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. O

    Bugger - No Beer Left

    Was watching my son mow the lawn this afternoon and felt like a beer, but when i turned on the tap all i got was a glass full of froth. It was half full a couple of days ago and a week ago i had three kegs on the go. Now that they are all empty i had better get my arse into gear and start...
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    Promash Brewing Software

    Where is the best place to get Promash from ? I was looking at their website and see that it is available as a download or a CD and that it is also available in US homebrew shops. Does anyone stock this in Australia, if not what is the best way to get it ? Are there any better/easier to use...
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    Porter Recipe

    I have found a new favourite beer In James Squire's Porter and would like to make one. The only recipe i have found so far is on Country Brewer's website on their recipe page using a TCB Old Porter Wetpak and 24g of Fuggles. Has anyone used this kit and recipe or has anyone got a better one...
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    Bottle Labels

    I have bottles of homebrew everywhere and would like to label them so i know what each bottle has in it. What type of labels do you guys use and where do you get them from and how do you stick them to your bottles? Is an Avery type label that can be printed out on your home computor? I have...
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    Co2 Refills

    I have an old CIG CO2 bottle that i would like to use for my keg setup when they arrive and would like to know who can refill them East of Melbourne instead of hiring one.